Enhanced Delay

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Enhanced Delay (abbreviated to edelay) is a series of model properties that adds a delay adjustment to all animations. EDelay is useful for creating temporary speed boosts or debuffs without needing to make entire model sheets of longer/shorter delayed animations.

Model Header


enhanced_delay_multiplier <float>

# Default
enhanced_delay_multiplier 1.0

Percentage adjustment to each frame’s delay. For example, if enhanced_delay_ratio is 0.5 and a frame has a delay of 10, the calculated delay is 5.


enhanced_delay_modifier <int>

# Default
enhanced_delay_modifier 0

Direct adjustment to each animation’s frame delay.

Cap Minimum

enhanced_delay_cap_min <int>

# Default
enhanced_delay_cap_min 0

The minimum allowed delay after calculations.

Cap Maximum

enhanced_delay_cap_max <int>

# Default 
enhanced_delay_cap_max MAX_INT

The maximum allowed delay after calculations.

Range Minimum

enhanced_delay_range_min <int>

# Default
enhanced_delay_range_min 0

Minimum existing delay for edelay to affect. For example, if enhanced_delay_range_min is 10, only frames with a delay of 10 or less are modified by edelay.

Range Maximum

enhanced_delay_range_max <int>

# Default
enhanced_delay_range_max MAX_INT

Maximum existing delay for edelay to affect. For example, if enhanced_delay_range_max is 5, only frames with a delay of 5 or greater are modified by edelay.

Order of Operations

Delay calculation works in following order.

  1. If delay < range min, quit.
  2. If delay > range max, quit.
  3. delay = delay * multiplier.
  4. delay = delay + modifier.
  5. delay = delay ≥ cap_min.
  6. delay = delay ≤ cap_max.

Tip: Any negative delay is effectively infinite. Be careful you don’t let a calculated delay fall below 0 unless you want the animation to stop.

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