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World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra

Complete New World Heroes Supreme Justice Extra - Wide-Screen version 2021-09-17

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Hey guys, first of all my apologies for late reply to all of you above  :-[

@Adam hunter, Thank you man!

@nedflandeurse/O Ilusionista, Thank you guys as well and as about the "hero-bar super move" idea, i'm not sure how i feel about it. The thing i'm sure for now at least, is that want to move on and not spend more time on this game. But hey, suggestions and ideas are always welcome  :D

@dafamily, Thank you very very much for the words and the video! I'm really appreciate it!
I love this mod and to me a super move bar would be so cool!!! But honestly the gameplay is perfect for me. Great combat, stages, and has that arcade feel to me. Thanks maggas for this awesome, awesome game and your other projects.
I just finished playing this, I enjoyed it and it was really fun to play, definitely Top 5 material.
Hi, I played the 2013 version of your game 2 years ago, now I'm playing this version on the OpenBOR android emulator and It's better that I remember. I don't know how modders like you can create such great games with pretty fluid control :D. I just know the World Heroes series because of your fangame, I don't like 1vs1 fighting games but i can say that has great cast of characters (I became a fan of Janne xD).
Congrats for your awesome job on this mod magggas! By the way, 2 of your mods are on my top 5 favorites, you do great job and thanks!  :D
Thank you very much guys!

@Crimsondeath, While i do like 1vs1 games, i did not like the gameplay of the original WH games actually. But just like the MK games, i do like their characters and that's why i made the game  :)
Just downloaded that openbor game, installed it and, played it fully.

Won the game on the very first try. Once a Dragon such as myself, always a dragon that does not forgive in the face of a gangster type of an enemy.

Expected worse and, got what I deserve. A very well done Beat'em up game with the proper sprites for each of the characters that were featured in the very first World Heroes game of the late 80's.

Thank-You very much for this nostalgic game revival!
Here's my playthrough of the game with Dragon bro:

I destroyed people with him lol, thanks again for this amazing game bro!!
Oh my, it's such a great mod finally! The idea to to turn Fighting into Beat'em Up is very cool. Attacks, grabs. ground hits and overall moves variety is overwhelming reminding about such games as Urban Reign. Comparing to other mods all my complains are minor and you probably received all required feedback. Thank you so much for such a hidden gem.

I've added detail page of the mod to my beat'em ups list (details here: http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/index.php?topic=4870.0). If you know OpenBOR games of such quality please post them in that topic.
Kotix said:
Oh my, it's such a great mod finally! The idea to to turn Fighting into Beat'em Up is very cool. Attacks, grabs. ground hits and overall moves variety is overwhelming reminding about such games as Urban Reign. Comparing to other mods all my complains are minor and you probably received all required feedback. Thank you so much for such a hidden gem.

I've added detail page of the mod to my beat'em ups list (details here: http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/index.php?topic=4870.0). If you know OpenBOR games of such quality please post them in that topic.

I would say Magggas's World Heroes mod is quite an exception.
You will not find many games with such advanced gameplay and variations, Grabs, OTG, cancels, mobility, and good amount of characters.
This mod is definitely in my top 5 of mods, perhaps top3 (And I don't say it because I contribute a bit with this game)

Also, not many games use a good diversity of characters from old school fighting games.
This is one of my main aim, but I'm too unskilled and slow.

Anyway, enjoy other games, you can find interesting mods like Super Fightin' spirit...
Here's another playthrough, this time with me kneeing and throwing people around with Shura lol:

Thanks for the awesome game bro, I just can't get enough ROLF!!
Jerzey Melvine said:
Can somebody give me link for WHSJExtra Lite/Light/Hack Version that can working on PSP 3000?

Supreme justice (standard, not extra) will work fine on the PSP from the start to finish, I've tested it myself.

Supreme justice extra works on it too but it will shut down after or mid stage 2
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