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Battle Stormer Classics

Battle Stormer Classics 2.6

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Here's my playthrough with Superman bro:

I destroyed people with him lol, just like Superman would rofl!! Can't believe it's been 25 years man, seems like it was just yesterday...ROFL you can bet your ass we'll be seeing you in another 25 years bro :)

Thanks again for everything man!! Looking forward to the Avengers game as well.
Here's my playthrough with Superman bro:

I destroyed people with him lol, just like Superman would rofl!! Can't believe it's been 25 years man, seems like it was just yesterday...ROFL you can bet your ass we'll be seeing you in another 25 years bro :)

Thanks again for everything man!! Looking forward to the Avengers game as well.
Thanks buddy!
And oh damn... I've uploaded the game without the logo??? I will fix this asap. Thanks for letting me know
The missing logo did give me an idea for a logo animation; the door/gate on the title screen opens wide and the logo zooms in from the opened door, before it closes once again.
It would be a nice idea, I just have no means to do it right now. Unless I make the door to slide sideway to reveal the logo.
But I am using Mugen 1.0 and it have no support for zoom on animations (only by code). So I would either move this project to 1.1 or do the animation manually.
Added a little easter egg on The Master/God from Actraiser 2 :)

And I am working on a hotfix, to upgrade the game to 2.6
If you haven't played Battle Stormer Classics yet, download it here
O Ilusionista updated Battle Stormer Classics with a new update entry:

Version 2.6

Added a new boss: Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 - Genesis) and 1 new level - Final Zone part 2 (Sonic 2 - Genesis), totaling more than 38 bosses and 50 levels.

- BRW-9 no longer disappears in some moves and now her shots depend on Power to be used (which was supposed to happen before)

- Superman has been balanced. He is still much stronger than the other characters, but his aerial attack now has a longer activation time

- Hulk has been balanced - Power Stomp has a longer activation...

Read the rest of this update entry...
After releasing the 25th anniversary version of Mugen, I received feedback about some bugs and I'm releasing an update for Battle Stormer Classics.


But to avoid being just a hotfix, I added a new boss: Mecha Sonic (Sonic 2 - Genesis) and 1 new level - Final Zone part 2 (Sonic 2 - Genesis), totaling more than 38 bosses and 50 levels.

- BRW-9 no longer disappears in some moves and now her shots depend on Power to be used (which was supposed to happen before)

- Superman has been balanced. He is still much stronger than the other characters, but his aerial attack now has a longer activation time

- Hulk has been balanced - Power Stomp has a longer activation and recovery time

- Balanced the super armor code of some bosses, such as James, Rob Ot and the final boss with a longer delay, increasing the invincibility time between hits from 5 to 10 ticks

- James rebalanced, especially the damage that was too low.

- Better fall animations for Sheena

- General improvements to several characters (alignment, damage, file size reduction)

- Added new characters to the intro

And stay tuned to my channel: I should release another version, from another project, before the end of the year :)
Dive into a full Battle Stormer Classics playthrough featuring Castlevania’s Richter Belmont & Eric Lecarde! Epic crossover action awaits.
Full video
This is a new boss from a very osbcure Sega Genesis beat em up called Mystical Fighter, which I've played A LOT back then.

Thanks @kimono for the boss sprites, but I improved how the fireballs circle around him - in the original game, they animated as a single sprite, but I turned each one into a separate entity, which makes the animation much smoother.
This is a new boss from a very osbcure Sega Genesis beat em up called Mystical Fighter, which I've played A LOT back then.

Thanks @kimono for the boss sprites, but I improved how the fireballs circle around him - in the original game, they animated as a single sprite, but I turned each one into a separate entity, which makes the animation much smoother.

Nice touch!

It's simply excellent and I'm going to see if I can introduce some other bosses from this game. You already have a few of them that you can already use :)
  • For the version 3.0, I am changing the resolution from 4:3 to 16:9 - its time to left the old things behind :)
  • I had to change the default font for a smaller one, to left more room for the content. Also, changed the number of columns to fit more stuff - we can have one more row to fit more players if I want to.

  • When converting fom 4:3 to 16:9, you have the options to have the game zoomed out (to fit the entire stage), or to be zoomed in. I went with the second option, so now the characters are bigger on the screen

  • The final resolution was changed from 1280x960 to 1280x720, to fit perfectly for videos. I had to change the local.coord from the common 320,240 to 340,255 so we have a bit more room for text. This made me to enlarge all the graphics by 20px, but really worths in the end.

This is still a working in progress, as I need to take care of every single stage on the game
  • For the version 3.0, I am changing the resolution from 4:3 to 16:9 - its time to left the old things behind :)
  • I had to change the default font for a smaller one, to left more room for the content. Also, changed the number of columns to fit more stuff - we can have one more row to fit more players if I want to.

  • When converting fom 4:3 to 16:9, you have the options to have the game zoomed out (to fit the entire stage), or to be zoomed in. I went with the second option, so now the characters are bigger on the screen

  • The final resolution was changed from 1280x960 to 1280x720, to fit perfectly for videos. I had to change the local.coord from the common 320,240 to 340,255 so we have a bit more room for text. This made me to enlarge all the graphics by 20px, but really worths in the end.

This is still a working in progress, as I need to take care of every single stage on the game

Nice. Widescreen is always the way to go IMO.

Nice. Widescreen is always the way to go IMO.
Yep. When I started this game back in 2012, widescreen wasn't so common like it is today, and I wanted to kept a more oldschool look.
But its terrible to record videos at 4:3 and we will benefit from the bigger character sprites.
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