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In Progress World Warriors

The project is currently under development.


Well-known member
Finally decided on a beat em up for a game that have enough resources to work with!
Having STF2 Ken performing a violent Ken special aside from the double Shoryuken seen in the gif I made put me on this path.
My girl was born today so I doubt she go want to play when she's 10.
As for the name if you know you know.


Everything in the videos are subject to change so yeah.

This stage from Samurai Showdown will make for a great training room as seen below
The characters and levels come first then the sound and special effects.
Plot is sorted
Working on the training room first


  • SP2.gif
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  • ken_dojo.png
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This video show how enemies will react...
Early stage still
Button mashes will be punished.
Im making use of it al
upper,riseattack,counterattack etc
I'm only using this basics.
I'm not a fan of 20 enemies on screen so 5 will be the most.
Based mod was from P.wolf
So credit to all those who worked on FHR.
But I will most likely redo this a on blank template
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Nice start. First time to see what your project is like in the video. I missed looking at the ones you posted with Streamable (when they're no longer viewed), but that's okay, because you uploaded a new one here (on YouTube).
nice start! really.
Hope the roster will have some diversity.
Different gameplay mechanics depending on the characters (just like in the actual fighting games)

My only feedback here is the final hit of combo (the one with reverb / eccho) is a bit too present.
It should be only used when you finish an opponent with this move perhaps via script.
Some nice combo potential on this one.
I must still add the wall bounce from Gladiator road of the sword!
I'm getting the flow of the fight sorted first before I add more moves since the fight is the important aspect of a beat em up.
I'm implementing moves from all my favorite beat em ups of the 90s but want the level of control to feel like a vs game

I fell like Ken and Ryu always been overshadowed in cross over games when it come to how flashy their combos look in games like Xmen vs Street fighter, Marvel vs Street fighter, SVC chaos and a personal favorite Street fight x Tekken.

I love working with complete sprite sheet and make up my own moves, I trying make it better then the source material.
So there will be more pain,fall animations etc.

Super wise I'm going test out the basic ones but after pulling off those Killer Instinct combos in UDD.
I want to try that in World Warrior.
Having complete control of where you take the special is crazy since I never played K.I
It's good to see your post which implies you alive and well.
I've seen you videos on YouTube and appreciate the effort put into them but never seen a recent post of you here.
All the best.
Been busy trying to make a game or 2 for a favourite childhood console of mine the Amiga. Thanks for the concern.
I would suggest you to have 2 versions of Dan for training modes, one that attacks and another one that doesn't, so you can show everything attacks wise without interruptions.
I would also say not every fall animation should end in a quake.
Try getting familiar with hitpauses on the attacks values.
Some attacks seem to have the same speed from the start until the end, try adjusting the recovery frames properly.
PLEASE do not start making stages untill you are set with all of your playable characters 100% the way you want them to be, otherwise it might look like a rushed mess!
Lots of cool ideas in here, good luck on everything!
I would suggest you to have 2 versions of Dan for training modes
I usually add
aiattack to noattack
aimove chase
That way he stay close and never attack.
I would also say not every fall animation should end in a quake.
That make perfect sense!
I have 2 fall animations for Ken
One send him flying then fall2 have him floating
So I will remove quake from this one.
Try getting familiar with hitpauses on the attacks values.
I asked @machok about this and was given some insight.
You 100% right on this, though!
I would add a longer delay to the frame with the attack box trying to mimic this pause effect before I knew how to use it. 😔

after playing with pause I finally got the results I wanted and will show a video of how I will use pause in my attacks.
The Tatsu is the first freespecial where I actually used hit pause in my videos, it was a cool feature in STF 2 when Ken's tatsu connect.

My videos will be more structure eventually since I just wanted to log it so I could actually start working on it.
Some attacks seem to have the same speed from the start until the end, try adjusting the recovery frames properly.
Spot on.
Will address this!
PLEASE do not start making stages untill you are set with all of your playable characters 100% the way you want them to be, otherwise it might look like a rushed mess!
Lots of cool ideas in here, good luck on everything!
I'm not even going to bother with that!
Got the @don vecta to assist with levels so that is covered!
In @don vecta I the trust since stages look insane in 89.
Level design wise I would rather have my levels play like the first level of UDD then SDD
What you did there was done to perfection.

My goal is to get the fight right!
Everything you mention are all the things I need to work on and I'm yet to add throws etc
I got the story and cast sorted out so I'm only focusing on Ken,Ryu and Dan.
They cover everything so it will be easy to create other characters once I perfect them.

I stayed clear of fan made games back in the day since most seemed rushed and only ended up on this path after playing DD Gaiden rise of the Dragon then coming across Lotd and later on the insane UDD. So I can't give you @Mr.Q! enough credit for showing me that fan made games can surpass the source material and that there are others with a passion similar to your own.
It's a small group that stand above the rest.
So thanks.
Try getting familiar with hitpauses on the attacks values.
Some attacks seem to have the same speed from the start until the end, try adjusting the recovery frames properly.
I was going to say the same.
I know Grit likes combos, but in the video we see more effort put on the combos than on the core mechanics. And this is a huge mistake.
For example, the way Dan reacts - as he said, "Button mashes will be punished" - to every combo... doesn't make me wish to try the game at all, sorry to be honest

I strongly suggest you to focus on the core mechanics first - how the attacks hits, the reactions, the delays, etc.
After that you start thinking about combos.

Please don't think that we are trying to belittle your work. Think that we want to guide you through the process, so you avoid making mistakes when you are at the beginning of the project - as fixing this later will be a Herculean task.

Good luck :)
I'll prepare you the dojo stages for you to set up your mechanics first. I'm sure this could be a good start before we can go all the way down. With a steady gameplay and some good stages, the mod can be a success.
effort put on the combos than on the core mechanics. And this is a huge mistake.
For example, the way Dan reacts - as he said, "Button mashes will be punished" - to every combo... doesn't make me wish to try the game at all, sorry to be honest
Appreciate the honesty!
Just know that the videos uploaded showcase what will be used..early stages!
I will even add a easy mode!
I used escapehits 3 on purpose to interrupt my 4 hit combo chain!
Then I have riseattacks that go into follow1 and so on with Ryu.
A normal grunt would never have these things.
I don't want to create any new characters yet so I'm using Dan as a test subject.
So I'm testing out things.
Enemies will be structured like denjin makai 2 or Punisher.

I'll upload a video without escapehits,riseattacks added then you can the combo in action with proper reactions now that I added pause into the mix.
I even used delay in a different way.
Pause and delay were the things missing from my attacks and fall animations
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nice start! really.
Hope the roster will have some diversity.
Different gameplay mechanics depending on the characters (just like in the actual fighting games)

My only feedback here is the final hit of combo (the one with reverb / eccho) is a bit too present.
It should be only used when you finish an opponent with this move perhaps via script.
Everything seen will be taken apart and used for different characters but more will be added
My roster will consist of only Ken and Ryu for the first 3 acts. There is more then enough sprites for moves to create.

But the cast of characters are by far the best thing about this idea I have for the game and where I'm taking the story.
Boss fights will be 2D

The enemy will have enough sprites to be a player but they will be used in the other 2 acts if I choose to follow up to make it cause I'm ending the third act on a god of war 3 note
with the world in CHAOS.
Svc Chaos
This was video above was the incorrect one

This video above show sprites that can be seen when Dan fall from a certain height. I added a long pause of 30 on purpose to the standard combo chain.
Will upload a video displaying what I intend to do with pause later on.

I made a separate Dan @danno for a training as suggested by @Mr.Q!
Basically a walking pushing bag without block and escapehits added.
I still need some advice with regards to implement block and how to go about recovery frames.
I certainly don't want it to be random like in my test video that showcase what all I'll be using
It should perform like those annoying bikers who always block in Final fight.
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Above are the movesets shown without interruption!
Below show them in action!
With regards to pause!
This kick will start off here
FHR - 0015.pngThis is attack frame can only be seen upon impact as seen seen below
FHR - 0017.png
Otherwise it will use this frame if it miss as seen below
FHR - 0012.png
Another example
FHR - 0018.png
Followed by
FHR - 0024.png
The Shoryuken have 3 ways of hitting but it's a 2 hit move.
Dan recovering from attacks seen below.
Never like how the enemies only shake when attacked so I tried to mix it up
I will upload how enemies will attack next.
Block will be key.
It's almost sorted out for the player!
I just need to add the guard break frames when health below 25%
Then will need assistance when adding it to enemies.
I get carried away in the test room fighting them with everything added.
It's not meant to be played that way but rather to create spontaneous reactions which give me new ideas.
Final fight is basic
The Punisher has one of the better systems but when it come to combat in general I feel like
Armored warriors is structured the best next to caddilacs with regards to enemies and grouping.
Fighting mechanics are addressed as you can expect.
I'm been learning from the you all
Nice combos and basic attacks there. I see 3 reactions from Dan everytime Ken performs his Shoryuken.

Also, the jumps remind me of KOF which you can do normal and super jumps.

I like the combo enders there.
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