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Way to get an enemy to walk in steps?


I'd like an enemy to walk in a way where it's not continuous. They step, stop for a bit, and step again. Since I want this to be an animation effect, it can't just stop and restart.

I originally thought "oh, I'll just put a move 0 in there." That does not work during a walk animation. They just keep going. That's kinda all I've got, and looking through what I can find, I don't see anything either.
have you tried making a it so that there is frame where they are standing still, and that has a certain amount of time added to it?

anim walk
    loop    1
    delay    10
    offset    75 140
    bbox    70 40 30 100
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk1.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk2.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk3.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk4.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk5.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk6.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk7.png
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/walk8.png
    delay    100
    frame    data/chars/TerryBogard/idle1.png

Theoretically speaking, it will do the full walk cycle, then pause on the idle for a bit, then look back to the walk cycle.
They just skate around if you do that. Walk moves characters at a constant speed, even if the animation doesn't look like they should.
I think this is best done with script to an enemy with no WALK animation. Too bad I can't try anything until my PC is fixed.
Yeah when I realized that I couldn't stop a character while they were walking by move 0, I went "...oh no, I'm completely out of ideas and this means its gonna be more complicated"
Yeah guys, those sorts of tricks won't work. Velocity and animation are two entirely separate things - and they're meant to be. You're going to have to take control of the actions, and that's going to mean a script that sets walking state on conditionals.

Oh yeah, this is a total edge use scenario. You want walk to... walk your guys. How they move and where is different than moving itself. I'm looking at this from the perspective of "can I make this happen even though it's clearly not supposed to work this way," which is very much the mindset of a modder rather than a designer.

... although... if I made those frames move the character backwards, would that offset the constant forward motion...

Nope. It MIGHT work on a straight up side scroller with seperate forward and back walks, but there's no guarantee that a character is going to be moving only in one direction, and since movement occurs per frame, it's not nearly as smooth as normal velocity.
I’ll use this solution: Create several "attack(number)" with different movement distances.
For example, attack1 is stepping in place for 1 second, attack2 is a slow step forward, and attack3 is a slow step forward followed by an attack.
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