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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Recolored and Extended

Complete Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Recolored and Extended 2020-12-25

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So, I posted a video on youtube of my TMNT MOD (that I've been working on for years now). And I got some pretty good feedback. One person asked me to make another TMNT game based on TMNT2 and TMNT3 for the NES and I was actually quite happy with the progress that I was making. I was particularly happy with the fact that since on the other TMNT MOD I'm working on I'm drawing every single sprite from scratch, I was making very slow progress cause I would have to finish the animation on Photoshop before adding a particular move to the character. So here I am, thanks to this request from my friend I'm learning how to use the OpenBOR engine better instead of paying too much attention to the graphics (which are just a gimmick), I'm more focused on "gameplay" (which is the main thing). I did take the time to re-color the sprites since due to the limitations on the NES hardware the graphics did not reproduce all the colors properly. I also change something on the turtles from TMNT2, there is some space between the eyes (so you can now tell they have two eyes), since I always thought that in the original NES game they all looked like cyclops. Here is a "sprite comparison" image that should allow you to appreciate the difference between the original sprites an the ones I re-colored
Thanks a lot Beastie!!

Sorry nsw25, That file has more than 8 characters. I'm gonna have to rename it and see what other files have the same problem.
Sorry, my bad!!! My rapidshare account was closed. There is a link to download the .PAK file for the TMNT 8 bit demo on the first post I made for this topic. I have a dropbox account now and I haven't uploaded the "other" DEMO for my original TMNT MOD which is not the same as the 8 bit one.
New TMNT project of yours?
And what about those Dark-styled comic turtles project you made demo of earlier?
Please don't tell me you cancelled it :(
No, it has'n been cancelled. But this time I decided to focus more on gameplay (which was criticized on the original mod) instead of graphics. Since I draw every sprite from scratch on the other mod, it's time-consuming.
looking good Gabotico. I also recolored Rocksteady and Bebop myself, but stopped that when Becker did his TMNT 8 bit demo, which is a really good demo IMO (I strongly recommend it to all people who hasn't try it yet)
Thanks a lot!!! This whole thing started as a request and then I was having so much fun with it that I decided to share it. Oh, this might have nothing to do with this particular project but I just uploaded a DEMO of my original TMNT MOD. Here's the link:

@GaBoTiCo - Any updates on either of these awesome TMNT mods?

I just found the video again of the custom sprited mod when browsing youtube - It's really great what you were doing!

GaBoTiCo said:
No, it has'n been cancelled. But this time I decided to focus more on gameplay (which was criticized on the original mod) instead of graphics. Since I draw every sprite from scratch on the other mod, it's time-consuming.
The gameplay was fine, people expect way to much from a tmnt game, everyone just wants perfect turtles in time gameplay it seems.
Thanks a lot man!! I was recently working on the second MOD (TMNT 8 bit). I'm adding more Foot Soldiers with different weapons and stuff. I'm also working on Casey Jones as a playable character. I'm able to make faster progress since I don't have to draw the sprites from scratch. Also, editing NES sprites is so easy, I'm actually adding more weapons that the Foot Soldiers didn't have in the original NES games. I'm also working on a story that hopefully will become a Comic Book. The story is mainly based on the original  Comic published by Mirage but I'm also try to combine it with the 1987 cartoon. What I wanna do is re-intoduce Bebop, Rocksteady and Krang but a much darker version. As soon as I'm done with the story, I'll upload it, it will probably be a .PDF file.
Sounds really cool man, thats what I'd like to see, foot soldiers with lots of different weapons!
Also you'll post that story it at technodrome forums?

I just played though the demo again a few minutes ago, I don't think I ever got past rocksteady previously.  I recall now some of the feedback, mainly it's just a hard game at the moment to survive for long.  The first stage with the mousers is a bit troublesome.  But I personally like the difficulty.

I think if you simply edit the demo and allow more lives and continues it would get more people to actually play though it, and they'd get to see the awesome stuff you did.  I like the challenge of one life and continue, but for the sake of the demo and getting people to check out what you've done, I'd increase the lives for now.

Also the gameplay, there's nothing wrong with it, maybe some minor adjustments could help like animation speed's etc.  Example Leo's pain anim is a bit slow which leave you open to more attacks.  But nothing that isn't easily tweaked.

I really like the stage work and attention to detail you've added.  Dripping water, flashing lights, animated chars in background.  Nice touches.

You might of noticed I'm working on a tmnt mod now too, I have a ton of resources at hand if you need anything.  I think I already had an early version of it in 2012, but never mentioned it.  Anyhow I've kinda re kindled my love of tmnt lately, I'd be happy to help with either of these mods if you need any.  Especially that custom one, I know it must take ages to do these sprites, so if you just need someone to process sprites etc. to get things ready in game or whatever will help you focus on the artwork etc.

Also for convenience I setup this site a while back - http://tmntmods.proboards.com/
Mainly just links but handy to see what's available.  I can probably add even more stuff now.

I never posted your mod cause there wasn't a topic anymore to link too. (should of linked the youtube vids) - currently no one uses the site anyway ;)

Well I guess for 8bit mod you need NES music, I'll get you some perfect music rips from those games.  I know the ones online aren't the best quality.
BeasTie said:
Also for convenience I setup this site a while back - http://tmntmods.proboards.com/
Mainly just links but handy to see what's available.  I can probably add even more stuff now.

Niiiiice! Good job, man!

I have also been working on a TMNT mod for years now, but only minutes at a time, so there's not much to show yet. I used GaBoTiCo's first version as a starting point (he was OK with that). I'm sure both games will be different enough, would seem unethical otherwise.
- Thanks!, it just seemed like a cool idea at the time lol

- Sweet dude, that means one more TMNT project in the works ;D

GREAT!! thanks a lot BeasTie. And yes, I remember you asking me  about using my MOD as a starting point mersox. The thing about the first MOD that I started working on was that it was mainly based on the 1987 cartoon and then I started reading the Comic Books and became more interested in the story than making a game. I remember the first DEMO was criticized for having a long intro so I made it shorter.

I started sketching what I want the turtles to look like in my story that I'm working on:
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