Thanks for the tests and suggestions. First, I would say YES, it's the same game with just a few extra features and focuses on a high difficulty. I would not share this game because I was just doing to play with some friends who are fans, just like me. But I decided to share so that more people could also play.
Adam hunter said:
Streets of Rage 2X is an OpenBoR fangame created by Kratus. From what I've seen so far, the enemy AI is even more sadistic. You can play as all the enemies and bosses and they have a "Rage" bar.
Here's the link to Kratus blog spot and a game play video from Boggy The Worm.
Thanks man
nedflandeurse said:
The game looks great.
But after testing it, it seems not so unique. feels like a beautiful OLD BOR game with limited features (even if it seems heavily scripted)
It's funny to see these new SFX and faster animations, but the game itself don't bring too much news.
What about creating unique levels, adding back grapple system, bonus stages, more SOLID characters with real movelist, special, super moves, new palettes...
Thanks! This game does not really have many news, it's just to test and learn about the engine's and in the future to make totally new games.
John_Kuey said:
I don't mind SOR games getting openBOR attention.(Sega sure isn't doing anything with this series, progressive wise.) My issue is how some bor mods pertaining to the sor series are usually copy/paste works that irk me.
I'm not liking this only being a watered down sor3 with a super move gimmick. I see the developer didn't bother with the vault mechanic/advanced grab system & pardon my purism, but I'd just rather Shiva be the only playable villain. & it sucks that They couldn't use Bombergames' sorr Adam, or his Romhack design neither.
I'm strongly looking forward to Mr. Din completing his project neo mod & I hope Illusionista does go through with it. Because the only complete sor mods i like IMO is the ones made by the lavalit. Mainly because of their robust amount of new sprites for the characters & their new moves, but I digress.
Sorry but this is not a copy/paste. I removed the vault because I do not see much use. I will make a video showing all the combos because I believe that no one explored yet. It´s not a traditional "smash button".
Damon Caskey said:
From a technical standpoint it's great work. Fantastic really. As a game, not so much. Same flaws as Rocket Viper - Far too lose feeling to the gameplay, random mechanics thrown in without engineering them properly, and difficult for all the wrong reasons.
Also, IMO, Streets of Rage is done to death. Streets of Rage Remake is not the end all be all game experience it's rather rabid fans want you to believe - it has plenty of flaws that could be fixed. But it IS a great remake that doesn't leave too much else you can do without going off the rails.
To close on a positive, I again say this is fantastic work so far as taking better advantage of the OpenBOR engine. With some more thought put toward the game itself, you could have a real winner.
Thank you DC for the deep analysis. I know the game still has some problems but I'm new to openbor and I'm still studying a lot about this fantastic engine. And this is not the final version of the game, I will make improvements and corrections in the next versions. I just do not understand what's wrong with random mechanics... What do you suggest improve?
Psykai said:
The fact that a game this awesome exists and I did not know about it scares me. I thought Chrono Crash was the ultimate "every OpenBOR game can be found here" place. How many other amazing games am I missing? O_O
But in seriousness, whilst this is probably one of the best OpenBOR games I've seen, I'm rather annoyed at the unnecessary difficulty spike. The first level alone is pretty rage inducing, especially Barbon.
Lives up to its title I guess.
I also feel that there are too many buttons. Dodge and Block could easily have been combined into one button (press to block, double tap direction and press to dodge).
About the difficult, my intention is to make a very hard game, because the original game very easy, even in the mania. About the buttons, I did not use any more buttons because I did not have it, otherwise I would. The dodge is simple, hold the desired direction (running or walking) and tap dodge. If mixes with the block, it will be confusing because if you are running and press block/dodge, will the character dodge or block? If the bosses do a fast attack, double tap direction+block/dodge don´t give a fast dodge.
O Ilusionista said:
I saw it on youtube some time ago. Indeed, its pretty cool.
+ nice roster
+ good to see a wide screen version, you have more space to play
+ fantastic presentation
- HUD is too polluted, full of things
- has the same issue of SOR Remake - mix HD effects with Mega Drive graphics. They clash a lot.
Thanks! About the HUD, VS games like Street Fighter or KoF series display the same info or more (lifebar, specialbar, guardbar, rush count, tech bonus, reversal, etc). Widescreen give a lot of space to use. And about the graphics clash... I'm not surprised to comment