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Silver Night's Crusaders

Complete Silver Night's Crusaders 1.6

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Project is completed.
Hi, to everyone, sorry to reply a bit late, I didn't saw your comments xd. But before reply I want to show you the co-op mode, now is free of bug:
[youtube width=640 height=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im-_rjQDuTg[/MEDIA]

Lunatix: Thanks for the gameplay man. Many bug you listed were already fixed, some gameplayers (and I) said that the game is going to be released at the end of this year, but probably the final version is going to be delayed to mid 2020. I have many problems in real world this year which I'm still dealing with.
(Not emotional or family problems at least xd)

-The rock ennemy in the garden you can hit him and he does not react if you are too far.

I love that kind of bug that were in some action platformer games of SNES when I was a child xd (No seriously, if the golem goes after the player that stage would be hellish, something similar happen when I saw your fight against cerberus I must fix that xd).

Darknior: Hi, my blog for general info is here: trueroledreams.org
The english content in this category: English Blog xd
(You can leave a comment but probably 'someone' is going to reply you for me xd).

The news tag on Silver Night's Crusaders site is just for small website updates, that'll become monthly when the game release and will stop when I begin another project (almost immediately xd).
Esto es genial loco!! Al fin un Castlevania Cooperativo!!
This is awsome dude!! Finally a Cooperative Castlevania

No puedo esperar a la version final
Cant wait to play the final version

Greetings from Argentina
WOAW incredible you add a Coop mod !!! I love so much Coop games to play them with my children <3
I really wish you will found time to release it for Christmas if you can ...
Thanks a lot
Hi to everyone, I came here share you more image about the proyect (It's on the final stages):



The same images are on my development blog where the info about the proyect delay is detailed (here xd).

Thanks to everyone for the support :D .

P.D.: By the way someone knows how to make the openbor mirror effect didn't reflect certain characters? (NPCs, players, enemies) Just an optional minor detail, I probably need it for vampire characters xd.
Looks good Crimsondeath!

Crimsondeath said:
P.D.: By the way someone knows how to make the openbor mirror effect didn't reflect certain characters? (NPCs, players, enemies) Just an optional minor detail, I probably need it for vampire characters xd.

Sorry, the native mirror effect can't do that. You'd need to script your own mirror, and then you could exempt the vampire characters. It isn't as hard as you think to do. It uses the same principal as zooming in, where you create a second screen of X/Y size and draw objects from the playfield to it.

Check out the Avengers module by O Ilusionista to see the zoom effect, and you should be able to adapt it for your mirror.


Crimsondeath said:
Hi to everyone, I came here share you more image about the proyect (It's on the final stages):

WOAW so beautiful i love Castlevania universe and really stand for your game <3
I love the sprite you use ... and mirror is really a good idea for sure :)
Thanks for the information
Hi to everyone,
Some gif I haven't shared here, the proyect is comming to an end (at last). I'm just finishing the story scenes, all stages and boss battles are ready:

(I'm working in the english version too, just wait a little xd.)


Thanks to everyone who follows the project :D
WOAW, like you know i LOVE your game and i stand for it for a long time ...
So cool to know you will release it this year :D
Thanks for all the work
Looks fantastic Crimsondeath! Only gripe I have is flashing when hit. It's just kind of a primitive looking effect compared to all the other work you've done. I do love that you added more layers - really helps create the illusion of depth.

Looking forward to the release!

Thanks to everyone for the cheers ups  ;D


I hope to have the game released for Halloween or Day of the Dead in this year (at least a spanish beta version), because right now the game can be played from the start to end and the project has been delayed a lot really, but I want to add some (little) post game features like I did with Neon Lightnig Force, if I can't add it before that date the beta version gonna be released any way and will be updated with those post game features later.

By the way, Do OpenBOR players or Homebrew players like games with long(?) story scenes, I'm not sure if I should divide the main campaign of this game in Story mode (scenes can be jump it if you want) or Arcade mode (No scenes, just stages action)?
I like games with lots of story - but the option to skip through should be there. That way you cover both kinds of gamers. Just make sure the skip option is both A) difficult to access by mistake - ex. it shouldn't be the attack button, and B) makes clear how much is being skipped.

Ideally, adding a step skip and a full scene skip is the way to go, but that can be a lot of work. But I do highly recommend you include at least one, in which case the single step skip is a better idea than a whole scene skip.

I believe having story is a good idea. But having seperate storyless mode is kinda strange. I prefer skippable scene so I can skip them if I don't want to watch
Thanks for the feedback :D

The game is going to be released the october 31 of this year (in english and spanish). I hope to finish the unlockable features too. Here a video of the battle arena :)  :

[youtube width=640 height=480]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvgnrGQ3gKY[/MEDIA]
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