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Pocket Dimensional Clash 2

Complete Pocket Dimensional Clash 2 2.1.2

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O Ilusionista

Captain 80K
Pocket Dimensional Clash 2 is a beat 'em up game, like the good and old Streets or Rage, Final Fight and many others and its a spiritual successor from the original Pocket Dimensional Clash, for Mugen engine.

The game is still in early stages, so any feeback is very welcome!
Gameplay recorded with my daughter as P2

=============== HISTORY ===============

You will go visiting different dimensions (games), fixing the timeline (Like in the Exiles comics) lead by Blink (Marvel, ClariceFerguson(Earth-295)).So you will see chars from different games together.

Playable chars until now (can be changed on the future)

Reayon - Power Moves
Captain Commando - Captain Commando series
Blink - (Marvel)


Feedback is welcome

Well, time passed by and another engine, OpenBOR, got my attention. After 1 year, I decided to start to learn it and...here we are :)

Here are the game specs:
- NES-like styled graphics only(not a straight NES style, but close to that)
- NES-like sounds and music, with some made by myself.
- 4 players
- Initial roster of 4 or 5 playable chars. You will unlock more chars once you progress in the game. I am targeting something like 20.
- NPC chars which helps you through the game.
(more info to come)


I need to adapt it for the OpenBOR version, but the main char would be Blink, from Marvel comics, which is a reality jumper

Clarice Ferguson (Earth-295)

You will go visiting different dimensions (games), fixing the timeline (Like in the Exiles comics).
So you will see chars from different games togheter


Playable chars until now (can be changed on the future)

Reayon - Power Moves (done)


Captain Commando (wip)


Blink (Marvel)

Me (ideas, sprites, coding), Jhfer & Banxman3 (making many edits).

I hope to show more info on this really soon. I am dedicating all my free time to this project, I have stopped all my Mugen work for sometime until I make more progress, but I think it will really worth.

After 13 years of coding mugen sutff, to learn another engine is scary in the beginning, but I am like a child learn new tricks everyday in OpenBOR, and its community is very helpfull too.

I am not quiting with Mugen: I will convert some Mugen stuff to BOR and I will still making Mugen stuff for many time already.
I haven't dropped any wip neither I plan to stop any of them.

Wish me luck :)

Background History

Pocket Dimensional Clash
was one of my fullgame projects done for the Mugen engine, back at 2010.
In fact, its an evolution of a very old project, from 2002.

You can check the Mugen version, which won't be developed anymore (at least, not for now), here:
Pocket Dimensional Clash
PDC Hyper Collection
More videos at

There were many reasons to stop it: the roster getting too big, I've developed a great template but it was very time consuming and a bit hard to code, the clash of styles (HR effects on NES sprites, something I liked on the past but now I just hate), the move for the Mugen 1.0 would be VERY tedious to do (since I use Z plane and the newer version of mugen doesn't have it anymore)...you got the picture.
Woaw ... fantastic work :D

I think it will be a great mod :D

Like you began it on MUGEN, now on OpenBOR the game is the same ?
Or the 1 to 1 player battle is now a game like Double Dragon ?

Because i dream about long time that some good coders convert some good MUGEN games to OpenBOR engine, i'm sure it is possible, but no body do it :(
I know it will be many work to script ... but it can be cool because OpenBOR is on many support like Wii, PSP, PC, xBox, x360 ... and MUGEN NOT !

No, the BOR version will be like a Double Dragon game.
But I will add some different things to make it more unique, like 2D stages with plataforms, vehicles and such.

About Mugen projects converted to BOR, I have other plans :)
I just need to earn more experience.
Ive seen what you did in mugen so im sure that one will be very nice especially gameplay wise, long time ago i asked about implementing pause feature in openbor when you hit someone like in capcom games so your character stops a bit when move connects and that would be helpful on combos, theres also text entity which can pause whole screen for awhile.
I learned OpenBOR by editing someone elses mod and removing/changing stuff and looking what it does.Now after each day i pack my data folder to zip file to have one secured copy incase i screw somethin up so im not afraid to experiment.
Its what I am doing, opening other mods to see how they did.
I have Zvitor's MFA game as a base, since he is my close friend and gave many tips to me.

Thanks for the tips. I will remember to make a .pak too.
O Ilusionista, You are also interested in openbor modding nowdays, Good luck!!!
Yes, I do. And I am convincing some people from Mugen to come and explore OpenBOR too.

We alread have two mod ideas in mind, but it will need time to do both.
+1 for the Z plane, Ilu!
I had a project using old Winmugen, with movement ALA Aodk, but with SNK characters. All the gameplay was based on this 3D-like movement.
Since Elecbyte don't give a f*** about reimplementing this freaking Z plane, I'm stuck on old mugen. >:(

Eventually, I started working on some similar project using Openbor.
Only bad point. With Openbor, even coding some basic special moves can be a pain in the @$$....

Your project seems great! ;)
I can't wait to see more about it!
I don't know why they removed the Z plane, it was very useful.
I've used it a lot on the mugen version of this project at the finishers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ahXJf-4mo

Yeah, I know. Different engines, different good points, different bad points.
Looks nice. I wonder how that lifebar disappears when showing the dead icon while the normal lifebar shows when player is alive. It looks like a nice implementation there and I've never seen that kind before. I've only seen others that have the health bars that always retain from disappearing. Looks new to me. :P
I wonder how that lifebar disappears when showing the dead icon while the normal lifebar shows when player is alive.

Thanks. I am using this:

Icon & Lifebar
icon {path}

~The graphic normally shown next to the entity's life bar.
~Normally a 16 x 16 box with a picture of the entity's head.
~{path} is the location relative to OpenBoR of the icon's .gif.
~The position of the graphic can be changed in LEVELS.txt.
~You can use a longer image to change the appearence of your character's lifebar, but remember that the box and shadow around it appear on top if you don't turn them off in LEVELS.txt.
~Dimensions of the life bar relative to the icon in bbox format (if you haven't changed it in LEVELS.txt): 18 8 103 9

iconpain {path}

~Same as icon, except this appears instead if the entity is being injured.
~This only works for players.

icondie {path}

~Same as icon, except this appears instead if the entity is dead.
~This only works for players.

edit: oh, and there is an error at the Wiki. icondie works for enemies too.
Wasn't Richter Belmont one of the (planned?) characters for the MUGEN version? I remember seeing custom sprites in this style when I lurked around Mugen Guild....

Anyways, I really like it so far! This is your first work as a BOR coder, right? I'm sure it'll be great, can't wait for a demo!
Ritcher will be present as a playble char at Castlevanis stage. Yes, this id my first mod, but i trying to do my best to make a cool game.

I have other plans after this game
Its often good to work on more than one mod in the same time, you will make some gameplay vids in the future?
Yes, i know but i am working in bor and mugen at the same time, and i have something close to 20 wips in mugen  :o

I hope to post a video soon
More progress:

Ive used Banxman3 training bag into something cool: there are normal bags, but some will turn into enemies and come to hit you. They even know Tatsumaki :)

Super fx, and other fx are done

I am having a stupid bug at the combos. I am using atchain 1 2 3 4, sometimes the attacks 2 or 3 misses (but the enemy is close to me). I dunno why this happens
Nice effect and the look of that training bag. :)

Do you have anim attack2, anim attack3, and anim attack4 under your character txt? If you don't, then that means your missing the anims there.
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