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Mortal Kombat Outworld Assasins XL

Complete mortal kombat outworld assassins XL 1.0

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hello guys, same as monomartin due to lock down i have some spare time lately, so i could put together a demo of my mod, it is been a year of lerning stuf but i enjoy it a lot and finally got to share something with you, nevertheless this is my first project and am still learning so any feedback/sugestion is much welcome.

short gameplay video.

the mod is heavy combo based, chars have a cancel for allmost every move, read how to, go to training till you get the hand of it.

whant to thanks magggas for let me mess up his baby and all of you for your continuous help and assistance through this journey.

reupload it, fixed crash when attack + jump with scorpion.

walkthrough on hard.
Last edited by a moderator:
I always believed MK is a great source material, with so many characters and sprites to work with.

Your mod seems very good, love the pacing and the combos. I am downloading now, and will post any comments with the best of intentions.
Really Really really excellent :)
16/9 format for modern TV, little sprites to make the game action easier to read.
Beautiful graphics and light effect, many cool sprites, blood, good music ....
Many moves, combo possible, possible to cut head ... only miss fatality :p
But for me the only real problem, like in some other games, the background is so small. Only two screens ... too short, it don't give the player the pleasure to discover an universe ... i think it's important to trick your graphics, cut copy paste them and modify them to hide you repeat the same graphics, to create a bigger background image where it will be a pleasure to visit. The game "background" (story and graphic and sound) are really important to make a game better than an other, to give the player "The desire to progress" :)

Thanks a lot for you work, really i think you will release a great game ;)
nsw25 said:
Outworld assassins is one of my favourite Openbor games ive played, it keeps the tone and feel of MK games and had entertaining gameplay without the levels being too long and drawn out etc. Im glad Maggas did a widescreen version with some tweaks (after I nagged him and did a mock up myself as inspiration) ive seen some mods online but they add stupid characters etc and ruin it. If your game is too different why not just name it something completely different so it avoids any confusion ?

I noticed game crashes when you press attack and jump together (tested as scorpion) log doesn't say why

seems like theres some cool stuff going on, im keen to look behind the scenes and see whats going on. I love combos and juggling in games :)

I think training mode should have how to play specific instructions (if it does then ive missed how to activate this)

glad you like the combos, since i maded it from mkoa squeleton and a lot of the code and sprites are magggas´s work i just didnt feel right changing it´s name.
about the crash, thanks a lot for spoting that, it is a script problem on special anim, since i started using block i thought special anim got unaccesible by normal imput, that is what i never updated it, will fix that and upload it again later on.
on training room you didnt miss anything it just for that training/practice with out geting mowed, instruction about moves and specials are on howto, there is wide variety of cancels but couldn´t come up with a way to pack them togheter on a description, will keep thinking on that for a later release.

Darknior said:
Really Really really excellent :)
16/9 format for modern TV, little sprites to make the game action easier to read.
Beautiful graphics and light effect, many cool sprites, blood, good music ....
Many moves, combo possible, possible to cut head ... only miss fatality :p
But for me the only real problem, like in some other games, the background is so small. Only two screens ... too short, it don't give the player the pleasure to discover an universe ... i think it's important to trick your graphics, cut copy paste them and modify them to hide you repeat the same graphics, to create a bigger background image where it will be a pleasure to visit. The game "background" (story and graphic and sound) are really important to make a game better than an other, to give the player "The desire to progress" :)

Thanks a lot for you work, really i think you will release a great game ;)

thanks mate, glad you enjoy it, i kept fatalitys and the like for bosses alone like the original game, that way they dont interfire with normal gameplay and normal foes allready have special deaths depending on attack types.
about levels i originaly planed to make them short but many, wanted to avoid been repetitive, got short on both sides at the end i gess, anyway it is still a demo and a very small part of the journey if i ever get to do what i have planed for it.
Gurtag said:
..since i maded it from mkoa squeleton and a lot of the code and sprites are magggas´s work i just didnt feel right changing it´s name.

Don't worry about used my mkoa as a base. This is what we all more or less do. What always matters is the end result of the game. Since the end result here is a very different game visually, gameplay etc., sure it deserves his own name. And it's also better in such cases for avoiding confusion between the games like nsw25 mentioned.
Now if you feel like you are still use a lot of stuff of my game and you want to somehow credit me , you can just add some cretdits about that somewhere in your game and that's it.

And by the way, congratulations for your work/release! I will give it a try soon ;)
OK, having tested it all day, all i can say is WOW.
Indeed its a heavy based combo game, but man you have made it very simple for even the absolute novice to grab and play it.
Amazed from your combo layout, very user friendly.

Off course lets not forget MAGGAS for the inspiration of the game, since his original MKs where also very good, both of them.

LEVEL 1-3 bug? I think it loads the colours wrong, for some reason.
I had to disable this line of code, and then the colours were fixed, and i had the rain effect (just tried it, before posting).
  #spawn lightrain
  #flip 1
  #coords 0 483
  #at 0
I was playing the game with the provided version, so i know this was not the case.

I can't wait to see more from you & how this game will progress.
magggas said:
Gurtag said:
..since i maded it from mkoa squeleton and a lot of the code and sprites are magggas´s work i just didnt feel right changing it´s name.

Don't worry about used my mkoa as a base. This is what we all more or less do. What always matters is the end result of the game. Since the end result here is a very different game visually, gameplay etc., sure it deserves his own name. And it's also better in such cases for avoiding confusion between the games like nsw25 mentioned.
Now if you feel like you are still use a lot of stuff of my game and you want to somehow credit me , you can just add some cretdits about that somewhere in your game and that's it.

And by the way, congratulations for your work/release! I will give it a try soon ;)

hay man, cant wait to see your review, i regard it as reimagine/remake of your original work, i mean i did change some grapics and gameplay but aside the code and spriting of yours that remains, it also features the same 3 starting chars, same history of mostly, same locations/journey, i can understand if you dont feel confortable with it using the MKOA title but if that is not the case, i would prefer to keep it, also as of respect, i wouldn´t be here or even get to know this community if there was not for your game.

spyroskonst said:
OK, having tested it all day, all i can say is WOW.
Indeed its a heavy based combo game, but man you have made it very simple for even the absolute novice to grab and play it.
Amazed from your combo layout, very user friendly.

Off course lets not forget MAGGAS for the inspiration of the game, since his original MKs where also very good, both of them.

LEVEL 1-3 bug? I think it loads the colours wrong, for some reason.
I had to disable this line of code, and then the colours were fixed, and i had the rain effect (just tried it, before posting).
  #spawn lightrain
  #flip 1
  #coords 0 483
  #at 0
I was playing the game with the provided version, so i know this was not the case.

I can't wait to see more from you & how this game will progress.

thanks man glad you like it, i did put quite some emphasis on making the combo system imput frendly and dinamic, hapy to know it worked it out.
about LEVEL 1-3 that is odd, i dont see any problem with light overlay in game, could you post a shot to check it out?

I did some gameplay "only training mode" but will be doing a full playthrough sometime tommorow  ;D really awesome job you have done with this i love the combos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKiTAfox6Yg
There you go.
One image is way too green. Something is messing up the colors.
The other image is after i edited this line of code, and the colors seemed fixed, or at least better than before.


  • mk xl pick2.png
    mk xl pick2.png
    313.6 KB · Views: 24
  • mk xl pick1.png
    mk xl pick1.png
    333.3 KB · Views: 21
very good game!
I first tought splitting all there moves in various buttons was strange, but the result is good.

I'm impressed by the variety of moves.
The only thing needed would be actual custom slams with different directions.
The kind you can see in Magggas's Wold Heroes mod or MK the chosen one by Dantedevil.

Also, I was really surprised by how SMALL the characters are  :o
Even if the result is interesting !

Is the roster definitive ?
I would love to have in addition a fast striker (perhaps Kitana ?) and also a heavy strong guy (using more grapple moves)

Again, the demo is impressive.
This have something special I really like. 8)
Keep it up!
Davpreec said:
I did some gameplay "only training mode" but will be doing a full playthrough sometime tommorow  ;D really awesome job you have done with this i love the combos

hey man, nice video, looking foward to see your full playthrough :)

spyroskonst said:
There you go.
One image is way too green. Something is messing up the colors.
The other image is after i edited this line of code, and the colors seemed fixed, or at least better than before.

ah yes, that was intended, like in first level morning start to kick in, this one gets darker/greener as the storm intencifies and you get closer to ermac.

nedflandeurse said:
very good game!
I first tought splitting all there moves in various buttons was strange, but the result is good.

I'm impressed by the variety of moves.
The only thing needed would be actual custom slams with different directions.
The kind you can see in Magggas's Wold Heroes mod or MK the chosen one by Dantedevil.

Also, I was really surprised by how SMALL the characters are  :o
Even if the result is interesting !

Is the roster definitive ?
I would love to have in addition a fast striker (perhaps Kitana ?) and also a heavy strong guy (using more grapple moves)

Again, the demo is impressive.
This have something special I really like. 8)
Keep it up!

hello ned glad you like it, took me lots of work to set up noob slams, and still revisite them now and then, doubt i will be doing more of those unles some specific char requires it, also i want to keep it same as MK games where all chars have the same basic moves, i can allways go further with the specials though.
i did not resize char sprites, just uped resolution, needed the extra room for climb levels and otters i have planed.
about roster, shure will be more playable chars on the future and Kitana will be one of them, but i need to reach outworld first and have plans to visit old pal shang tsung on his island before that.
ah yes, that was intended, like in first level morning start to kick in, this one gets darker/greener as the storm intencifies and you get closer to ermac.

Apologies if it was intended! Regardless, i love that you are trying to make stages more "alive".
spyroskonst said:
ah yes, that was intended, like in first level morning start to kick in, this one gets darker/greener as the storm intencifies and you get closer to ermac.

Apologies if it was intended! Regardless, i love that you are trying to make stages more "alive".

lol, there is nothing to apologies for, btw you should keep lightrain comented out if like it better that way ;)

ZVitor said:
Combos are impressive!
and loved all that light effects too.

thanks man, combos were quite a proces and lightning come from a sugestion of ilu about your mod.
I have some feedback to share:
I saw this game on Davpreec's channel and with all respect to you...I don't like the result, thanks to two things which I think it's the biggest fails of the game.

1- wrong resolution. The fact the select screen uses a character size but the actual game uses other is very weird. It looks like the characters simply squished down - which looks very weird. Also, this makes the sprites too small on the screen

2- wrong speed (which is tied to the error above). This is an error many people who did "high resolution" games in OpenBOR do - they forgot to change the speed of the walking speed to match the screen size. And when I say "many" I want to say "most off".

The only two games which uses digitalized sprites and widescreen resolution whith the right speed are Zvitor's MK game and the Guardians of the hood 2 project. All the others uses very wrong speeds.

One example - again with all respect to the author - is Dantedevil MK game. Just choose any char (like Raiden) and run with it... He will look like he is jogging, not running.

So while I appreciate the combos on your game, I think it has two huge fails on the core concept, which ends bringing the overall quality down :(

Don't take it personally, because it isn't personal. I just think we need to be as direct and straightforward as we can when giving feedback.

I hope you can rethink about the points I noted above.

Good luck with your game.
nsw25 with no offense, but your games are quite an example of bad velocities I am talking about. I am not talking about only the run or walk speed of the players, but the overall velocity.

See Zvitor's game and take a look how this should be done:

ZVitor said:
Thanks for sharing!The comboing and juggling looks really fun, even tho it's still at an early stage i look forward to seeing it progress, i am sure other openbor creators can offer helpful advice to work out the kinks aswell.
I'll keep an eye on this ;D
Buena suerte, dale pa' delante :)
O Ilusionista said:
I have some feedback to share:
I saw this game on Davpreec's channel and with all respect to you...I don't like the result, thanks to two things which I think it's the biggest fails of the game.

1- wrong resolution. The fact the select screen uses a character size but the actual game uses other is very weird. It looks like the characters simply squished down - which looks very weird. Also, this makes the sprites too small on the screen

2- wrong speed (which is tied to the error above). This is an error many people who did "high resolution" games in OpenBOR do - they forgot to change the speed of the walking speed to match the screen size. And when I say "many" I want to say "most off".

The only two games which uses digitalized sprites and widescreen resolution whith the right speed are Zvitor's MK game and the Guardians of the hood 2 project. All the others uses very wrong speeds.

One example - again with all respect to the author - is Dantedevil MK game. Just choose any char (like Raiden) and run with it... He will look like he is jogging, not running.

So while I appreciate the combos on your game, I think it has two huge fails on the core concept, which ends bringing the overall quality down :(

Don't take it personally, because it isn't personal. I just think we need to be as direct and straightforward as we can when giving feedback.

I hope you can rethink about the points I noted above.

Good luck with your game.

too bad you dont like it man, btw did you playedd it/finish it? or just watch Davpreec's video?
anyway the word fail do sound a bit harsh but of course i dont take it personally as i do apreciate your honest feedback and all the help,
however as much of a valid points you stated i fail to see how they would be sufficient to judge the product as whole.
about resolution i needed the extra screen room for some levels but didnt want to resize char sprites so opted for increasing resolution, this results on wider playable area with out enemies going out of screen so often and a wider portion of it to dedicate to the background which i agree some times gets dificult to fill, i dont have a problem with sprites been small on screen may be because i play on a widescreen monitor or perhaps it is just me.
i agree about select screen, even though i never saw it as such a big deal i gess, but of course presentation is allways important.
on walking/runing speed sure it could use an ajustment but yet again i dont see it so far off as to call it a fail, i will have to clean my loupe i think cause i do see most MK chars´s run anims as actual jogging, raiden doesnt really counts as his run frames are quite crapy maded, i think mk3 sub zero is only one that does look like he is runing.
the first time i posted about this project you give me some feedback that i believe help me to improve it, so sure i will be rethinking about the points you noted above and thanks for your feedback and wish of luck man.

Nickokapo said:
Thanks for sharing!The comboing and juggling looks really fun, even tho it's still at an early stage i look forward to seeing it progress, i am sure other openbor creators can offer helpful advice to work out the kinks aswell.
I'll keep an eye on this ;D
Buena suerte, dale pa' delante :)

gracias viejo le voy a seguir metiendo ficha haber que sale ;)
thanks man will keep working on it.
I've been playing through the first 3 stages so far, and it is pretty great!I think the speed is fine, you can get to enemies and objects faster by simply running, and the comboing and juggling is actually pretty fast. If it is a simple change, i hope there will be another version uploaded for the people that like this speed (for example, 2 different builds of the same release, one with the speed changed, and the other with the current speed.)
I do have one critique however, the enemies' health points...it takes too long to beat the simple enemies, aswell as the bosses. Perhaps, it makes it feel "padded" and the experience becomes drawn out for too long.
Maybe a possible solution to this, if you want to keep this difficulty, is adding a stats increase by points (speed, strength, health, etc...the better you play, the more points you earn to spend before each level) i don't know if this could be done with OpenBOR or how difficult it would be tho...
Another might be increasing the special move's damage points (the fire breath, spear throw, etc)
This would keep the current enemy health points, but it would make it easier to wipe them out with powerful super moves that are charged up. I think that would help the improve pacing significantly.
This is only my opinion tho, you do what you feel is best, but i figured i would share my thoughts :) for a first project demo, it really has a lot of content!I think people will see this when a gameplay video of the story mode is posted. At first i was mislead because i just saw the practice room and thought it was the early state of the project with 1 level and some enemies.

Y me c*gue de la risa con los dialogos xD estan muy buenas las cutscenes jaja
Vos mandale que venis fenomeno :)
Nickokapo said:
I've been playing through the first 3 stages so far, and it is pretty great!I think the speed is fine, you can get to enemies and objects faster by simply running, and the comboing and juggling is actually pretty fast. If it is a simple change, i hope there will be another version uploaded for the people that like this speed (for example, 2 different builds of the same release, one with the speed changed, and the other with the current speed.)
I do have one critique however, the enemies' health points...it takes too long to beat the simple enemies, aswell as the bosses. Perhaps, it makes it feel "padded" and the experience becomes drawn out for too long.
Maybe a possible solution to this, if you want to keep this difficulty, is adding a stats increase by points (speed, strength, health, etc...the better you play, the more points you earn to spend before each level) i don't know if this could be done with OpenBOR or how difficult it would be tho...
Another might be increasing the special move's damage points (the fire breath, spear throw, etc)
This would keep the current enemy health points, but it would make it easier to wipe them out with powerful super moves that are charged up. I think that would help the improve pacing significantly.
This is only my opinion tho, you do what you feel is best, but i figured i would share my thoughts :) for a first project demo, it really has a lot of content!I think people will see this when a gameplay video of the story mode is posted. At first i was mislead because i just saw the practice room and thought it was the early state of the project with 1 level and some enemies.

Y me c*gue de la risa con los dialogos xD estan muy buenas las cutscenes jaja
Vos mandale que venis fenomeno :)

dont worry, i dont think i will be changing speed on later releases, run some tests and the results didnt look right to me, enemies health is quite standar  you just need to keep combo them and they will come down fast but i will look in to tone it down for easy  on a later release, i will try to record a full playtrough some time this week, although my internet is trash so upload could take some time.
se aprecia la buena onda, la historia si trate de hacerla divertida/diferente en vez de los clasicos heroes que salvan al mundo, tenemos a estos  f*rr*s que hacen moco todo jaja
yea i tried to make history a bit diferent from the norm of heroes saving the world.
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