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Mega Man Power Adventure

In Progress Mega Man Power Adventure 050922

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The project is currently under development.


I am releasing a beta of my free-fan game, Mega Man Power Adventure, a beat´ n up of Mega Man made in OpenBor.
Besides to shooting, the characters also beat the enemies with punches and kicks. As if it were an evolution of the idea of Megaman Power Battle/Fighter, which approached Megaman in the style of a fighting game. This, changes the gameplay to a beat´n up style.
Thanks OIlusionista for Hints and Scripts base.


Scenarios and characters based on Mega Man Power Battle/Fighters, Mega Man 7, Mega Man X, Mega Man 8, Mega Man and Bass and Mega Man Super Adventure. And some enemies from Older Mega Man games.

Cutscene of Story Mode Screen:

Main Story of the game:
Ra-Moon is back and kidnaps Dr. Willy from prison. At the same time, several robots are out of control and cause chaos throughout the city.
MegaMan, ProtoMan and Bass (and Duo, who returned from space) join forces to stop the chaos with other robot masters, to stop the threat of Ra-Moon and to save Dr. Willy's life in the process.
They will have help from some NPC´s throughout the 8 stages of the game, like FlipTop (Eddie), Beat, Metols of the Dr. Light, Bunby-Tanks, BombMan...

Nine Playable characters at moment with 6 palletes:
- MegaMan (or RockMan)
- ProtoMan (or Blues)
- GutsMan
- Bass (or Forte)
- HeatMan
- CutMan
- TomahawkMan
- Duo
- IceMan


The game has 3 modes for now:

1 - Story Mode:

The Main Mode of the game.

2 - Robot Master Arena Mode:
The robots are invited to participate in the new robot master tournament (the last one was in MegaMan6), by... King.
Fight All robots from Story Mode and King as last Boss.

3 - Moto-Jet Mode:
Play the two stages riding Moto-Jet in this game (based on Moto-Jets from MegaMan 5, Megaman X4, plus Special Shot and Defense, in this game)

Story Mode Screens:
TomahawkMan specials attacks:



Bass x TenguMan and Oni-Robos:

NPCs Metols of the Dr.Light are with blue, red or light purple crosses in his heads.

Gutsman - Quake Punch:

GutsMan x older enemies from MegaMan 2:

Megaman & Rush x Hammer Joe:

MegaMan fighting another dog-robot from MegaMan 2:

MagnetMan showing his new move to MegaMan:

MagnetMan using "Magnet Shock Wave" type move

MegaMan Kicking Sniper Joe:

ChargeMan attacking Cutman:

HeatMan burning the city (you can play with him only after second stage):

CutMan meeting SniperArmor & Rider Joe in Mega City Stage

CutMan Dash Attack

CutMan Spinning Blade

IceMan - Ice Wave Attack

IceMan - Ice Slasher

Iceman x Ra-Devil

StoneMan showing his new move to IceMan

IceMan & BombMan x Ra-Thor & another robots
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I think the air stages are too difficult, because enemies are able to strike from behind where the player is unable to, and VAN Pookin in particular having a tendency to stick behind its foe. (maybe use "subject_to_screen" to keep air stage enemies on-screen?) The default BOR hitsounds could be changed out, as well.

I also propose adding Plum and/or Quake Woman to the roster. Maybe Fan, too? 

I do like the art and story concept of the game. Seeing villains like Ra Moon returning is a nice twist.

VAN Pookin's bat enemy spawns are immune to Mega Man's shots for some reason.

EDIT: The game also crashes whenever I attempt to continue after losing all of my lives.  Another suggestion would be to incorporate http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/index.php?topic=1877.0 this script for charge shots, and maybe map them to Special instead of Attack. Also, Attack2 should be renamed "Block".
Hey buddy, welcome aboard!
Jhfer is the guy who works with me in Avengers game and responsible for all those great smartpal and a lot of stuff.

I will test the game asap.
Congrats for the first demo.
Very nice concept, especially since Power Fighters is pretty much the only original Megaman game I play, the rest are latter incarnations.
I'll have to try this out some time.  ;D

Extra Modes:
Robot Master Arena Mode Screens:
NPC Metol of DR. Light Hitting AirMan

MegaMan - Rush Jet Attack:

Fighting versus Slashman, Quickman and Crash :


Gutsman punching TenguMan:

King attacking with his bombs

Moto-Jet Stages Screens:
Octoperoa, from MegaMan 5:

Van Pookin, from Megaman 7:

Normal Shooting, like MegaMan 5 (without MP Bar cost):

Jumping, like MegaMan 5:

Dashing attack, like in MegaMan X4:

NEW ATTACK: Special Shooting (with MP Bar cost):

Miru said:
I think the air stages are too difficult, because enemies are able to strike from behind where the player is unable to, and VAN Pookin in particular having a tendency to stick behind its foe. (maybe use "subject_to_screen" to keep air stage enemies on-screen?) The default BOR hitsounds could be changed out, as well.
Yes, i will take a look on this.

Miru said:
I also propose adding Plum and/or Quake Woman to the roster. Maybe Fan, too?

I also thought in making Quake Woman and Fan. But I don't know exactly what are the powers of the Fan.
Likely to be playable characters or NPC ´ s would be the series robots created by Dr. Light, Dr. Cossacks or other different scientists of Dr. Willy.
But I also think in create a mode where you play on the point of view of the Mega Man Killers.

Miru said:
I do like the art and story concept of the game. Seeing villains like Ra Moon returning is a nice twist.

VAN Pookin's bat enemy spawns are immune to Mega Man's shots for some reason.

I will check Depht in the Mega Man shots in bat enemies from Van Pookin boss. Maybe be that.

Miru said:
EDIT: The game also crashes whenever I attempt to continue after losing all of my lives. Another suggestion would be to incorporate ChronoCrash this script for charge shots, and maybe map them to Special instead of Attack. Also, Attack2 should be renamed "Block".

When game crashes, what message appear in OpenBorLog.txt? I need to test that.
Yes, I need check how to play buttons and fix that case of Attack2 and Block.
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jhfer said:
Yes, i will take a look on this.

I also thought in making Quake Woman and Fan. But I don't know exactly what are the powers of the Fan.
Likely to be playable characters or NPC ´ s would be the series robots created by Dr. Light, Dr. Cossacks or other different scientists of Dr. Willy.
But I also think in create a mode where you play on the point of view of the Mega Man Killers.

I will check Depht in the Mega Man shots in bat enemies from Van Pookin boss. Maybe be that.

When game crashes, what message appear in OpenBorLog.txt? I need to test that.
Yes, I need check how to play buttons and fix that case of  Attack2 and Block.

Fan apparently has earth-elemental powers. As for Plum, I could see her playing a lot like SOR's Skate. Maybe you could ask Laspacho for permission to use his Roll sprites as a base for her? As for NPCs, I agree on having more Light/Cossack/Lalinde-bots, although Splash Woman could be playable if we gave her some kind of vehicle to use. Vesper Woman also seems fun to make playable. Maybe Piano and W. Waltz (scrapped characters) could be incorporated? And a "Killers" mode would be fun, maybe bringing in characters like the Genesis Unit along for the ride. Perhaps Ballade could also appear as NPC near the end of the main game? Strangely, the continue glitch only applies during first-runs; reloading a save will simply give you the "GAME OVER" screen upon loss of lives for some reason. Also, after I obtain Heat Man, Ice Man isn't selectable anymore for some reason.
Hello jhfer, welcome :D

It's nice to see another Megaman mod especially when I get to play Duo, my favorite character from Power Fighters 2 :D

Anyways, for the mod itself, I still need to try other modes
Some suggestions:
1. Rider Joe is tough to hit. Not because it's fast but mostly because it's hard to tell at which z coord he is hovering. I suggest lowering its altitude to make it easier. And also reduce his speed
2. About Rider Joe, you can spawn explosion in his PAIN if you want him to stop at death
3. Flying mode is good but aside of points mentioned by Miru, I really have serious problem getting items there. I can't tell at which z they are  ???. I suggest changing all items to be picked up by touching like in Megaman series to make it easier to pick items, not just in flying mode but also in any mode :)
4. Extend invincibility duration at spawn. Duo got burnt right after respawning

I'm going to try other modes :D
Miru said:
Fan apparently has earth-elemental powers. As for Plum, I could see her playing a lot like SOR's Skate. Maybe you could ask Laspacho for permission to use his Roll sprites as a base for her? As for NPCs, I agree on having more Light/Cossack/Lalinde-bots, although Splash Woman could be playable if we gave her some kind of vehicle to use. Vesper Woman also seems fun to make playable. Maybe Piano and W. Waltz (scrapped characters) could be incorporated? And a "Killers" mode would be fun, maybe bringing in characters like the Genesis Unit along for the ride. Perhaps Ballade could also appear as NPC near the end of the main game? Strangely, the continue glitch only applies during first-runs; reloading a save will simply give you the "GAME OVER" screen upon loss of lives for some reason. Also, after I obtain Heat Man, Ice Man isn't selectable anymore for some reason.
I searched for Fan videos showing he fighting in the Rockman strategy, but I was not successful. Just a video showing how to unlock it in the game. But his fighting scene is pretty fast.
It has his sprites ripped, but it has no effect of his powers to pick up ideas.

Plum came up in the Megaman racing game?

SplashWoman doesn't move flying over her trident? I'd have to edit her attacks by hitting the Trident and tail and the Megaman Power Battle pattern. When attacking, she would be on the ground.

Vesper Woman would have the same attack of Hornet Man, dropping bees?

Piano and w. Waltz I didn't know. Where are you from?

Ballade I need to think about more attacks for him, so he could appear also in the last stage of the Story mode. Enker and Punk appear there, as enemies. In Killers Mode, could be added anothers robots in the side of Dr.Willy. But they need to have sufficient edited sprites to be playable (or NPC).

The problem of the Ice Man disappear after obtaining Heat Man I know why that occurred. Is another file with the names of the characters unlocked in phase selection screen. I Missed his name.

Bloodbane said:
Hello jhfer, welcome :D

It's nice to see another Megaman mod especially when I get to play Duo, my favorite character from Power Fighters 2 :D

Anyways, for the mod itself, I still need to try other modes
Some suggestions:
1. Rider Joe is tough to hit. Not because it's fast but mostly because it's hard to tell at which z coord he is hovering. I suggest lowering its altitude to make it easier. And also reduce his speed
2. About Rider Joe, you can spawn explosion in his PAIN if you want him to stop at death
3. Flying mode is good but aside of points mentioned by Miru, I really have serious problem getting items there. I can't tell at which z they are  ???. I suggest changing all items to be picked up by touching like in Megaman series to make it easier to pick items, not just in flying mode but also in any mode :)
4. Extend invincibility duration at spawn. Duo got burnt right after respawning

I'm going to try other modes :D
Thanks, Bloodbane. I will take a look in your suggestions.
jhfer said:
I searched for Fan videos showing he fighting in the Rockman strategy, but I was not successful. Just a video showing how to unlock it in the game. But his fighting scene is pretty fast.
It has his sprites ripped, but it has no effect of his powers to pick up ideas.

Plum came up in the Megaman racing game?

SplashWoman doesn't move flying over her trident? I'd have to edit her attacks by hitting the Trident and tail and the Megaman Power Battle pattern. When attacking, she would be on the ground.

Vesper Woman would have the same attack of Hornet Man, dropping bees?

Piano and w. Waltz I didn't know. Where are you from?

Ballade I need to think about more attacks for him, so he could appear also in the last stage of the Story mode. Enker and Punk appear there, as enemies. In Killers Mode, could be added anothers robots in the side of Dr.Willy. But they need to have sufficient edited sprites to be playable (or NPC).

The problem of the Ice Man disappear after obtaining Heat Man I know why that occurred. Is another file with the names of the characters unlocked in phase selection screen. I Missed his name.

Thanks, Bloodbane. I will take a look in your suggestions.

1. I understand. But maybe he’s in some more footage of Rockman Strategy? His sprite sheet also seems to show him throwing a dashing punch combo.

2. Yes, she’s from Battle and Chase.

3. Yeah, she could fly on her trident! 

4. Vesper Woman also has wings, which she could use to fly or as a weapon. Maybe she could also use a stinger-like blade for melee? Or weaponized honey?


Piano is in the fourth panel of the middle row.


W. Waltz is at the top of the image.

6. Ballade could use a charge attack using his sharp horns.
I liked the concept of Piano, a "sinister" House Keeper. She is like a sister to Bass, like Roll is of MegaMan.
I find an image of her colored:
Maybe, she can start as NPC, if find a good base for her.

Good ideas for Vesper Woman. Maybe, the maverick bee of MMX 3 can give more move ideas.

Ballade: yes. He can do this move. His horns remind me too, a boomerang (can be used like this in some move, too).

For Quakewoman, characters like GroundMan, Drill Man and Maverick Rhino from MMX3, can give us some ideas.

About Fan, he holds a kind of amulet, which reminds me of the Shinto of Sailor Mars. This could give some move ideas for him, with these amulets.

About your message, yes. Can send to me see.
I liked alot too, of concept of Roll as "sanitary". Maybe, for a mode which she was transformed in a battle robot, instead of MegaMan, which could had be transformed in Quint. She would be alternate version of Roll, like Quint is of MegaMan.

Auto and Treeble would be future NPCs for the game.

jhfer said:
I liked the concept of Piano, a "sinister" House Keeper. She is like a sister to Bass, like Roll is of MegaMan.
I find an image of her colored:
Maybe, she can start as NPC, if find a good base for her.

Good ideas for Vesper Woman. Maybe, the maverick bee of MMX 3 can give more move ideas.

Ballade: yes. He can do this move. His horns remind me too, a boomerang (can be used like this in some move, too).

For Quakewoman, characters like GroundMan, Drill Man and Maverick Rhino from MMX3, can give us some ideas.

About Fan, he holds a kind of amulet, which reminds me of the Shinto of Sailor Mars. This could give some move ideas for him, with these amulets.

About your message, yes. Can send to me see.
I liked alot too, of concept of Roll as "sanitary". Maybe, for a mode which she was transformed in a battle robot, instead of MegaMan, which could had be transformed in Quint. She would be alternate version of Roll, like Quint is of MegaMan.

Auto and Treeble would be future NPCs for the game.

1. Iris (MMX4) would be a nice base given the shape of her skirt, along with Bass’s helmet. Will W. Waltz also start as an NPC?

2. Blast Hornet, Queenbee, and even Q-Bee from Darkstalkers would indeed be good inspirations for her.

3. Maybe Ballade could also fire beams from his horns?

4. Agreed. And also Grizzly Slash (MMX5).

6. That’s what I originally had in mind. He does look like a Shinto priest-Type. And maybe his buster would switch between elements?

7. Yes! Roll i’d imagine could use moves based on the Ruby-Spears cartoon and MVC. Her Mega Roll move could have an intermediate phase of Mega Girl from Captain N before fully transforming.
This is some image reference of Roll "Sanitary": but edited in 8bits.

Waltz would be more on the side of Dr. Willy, so would fit better in the MegaMan killers mode. But need edits, too.  And more reference about her powers (she remember me of ironman and astro boy).

For Roll, i think the moves inspired in the tatsunoko x capcom, let her more original. But, need edits. And could get some ideas from ruby-spears version.


For Ballade, I think that fire beams didn't fit with him, he main weapon is attacking with bombs.
Waltz could just be a Roll edit, and as for her companion Minuet, I'm not sure about what base could be used. Waltz could totally be a missile-focused character in the end.

I also found a few more sheets for different RMs:


Yamato Man


Top Man
Finally got around to playing it. I've only used Tomohawk and Guts man before I got my game over so this only goes by that. It's a pretty decent mod but it feels about slow paced, I'm sure the power fighter games were a bit faster then that. Coming from a guy who floods the screen with enemies in his mod, I think the enemies could either have less health so it does take too long stopping in one spot to fight them off, or less enemies with more health. The boss where you're flying those vehicles needs to move faster, it takes too long for it to get from one side of the screen to the other while you're fighting off it's bats, then when it does attack it flies off screen and you're left waiting again. I could suggest giving it noreflect 1 so it does flinch from being hit, then give it attacks you have to be careful to dodge or you take a lot of damage.

Overall this is for a start, keep it up man.

Hey buddy, I've tried it and I really liked it, specially for a demo. It looks you got a lot of experience working on our game :)

+ Great variety of players
+ Nice cutscenes
+ You really like explore the history of the game huh?

- Default BOR sounds should be changed
- Try to add different type of hitflashes, becase the same hitflash over and over looks a little lazy
- The same for that Capcom font - its overused.
I will help you with those 3 issues.

Keep the good work!
Thanks, O Ilusionista.
I really like explore the history of the game.

Some more images from the game:

Technodon Joe (custom enemy of Sniper Joe + Technodon from MM7), in second level of 3rd stage (Forest of Robosaurs):

Dr. Willy unusual appearance in the last stage:

Fire Trap in Ancient castle stage (7th stage):

Another trap, from Shademan´s stage (MM7):

Some news:

Main title updated (blue-darkened screen for main title, icon in menu screens and font change-- sugestions of OIlusionista):


Font updated:

Second level of Barrage (stage 6), updated with more details and Bass using his Down, Down, Attack (hyper in his moto-jet mode):

Roll in story mode cutscene, was updated with more details:

Sprite Edits for possibles chars (playables or npc´ s):
Roll, Waltz and Piano (the last two, are the 2 characters suggested by Miru).

Mega Man (base), Knight Man, Flash Man, Auto, Duo (base), QuakeWoman, Fan and VesperWoman:
I am glad you liked my upgrades :)
About the Stage clear (and others) you need to center the title (the phrase Stage Clear is out of center)
Suggestions on the sprites

* Vesper Woman’s cheek plates don’t need the black outlines. without them, he face would look more feminine and cute.
* Knight Man could be taller than how he currently is.
* Flash Man’s body is too small compared to his head. His feet also look fairly lumpy.
Good work jhfer :D

BTW, I've coded script to limit enemy's movement for bike mode enemies. This script will keep enemies on 1/3 part of the screen (right side) :)
I don't have any demo to show this though but if you know how to implement the script, I'll share the script :)
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