I am releasing a beta of my free-fan game, Mega Man Power Adventure, a beat´ n up of Mega Man made in OpenBor.
Besides to shooting, the characters also beat the enemies with punches and kicks. As if it were an evolution of the idea of Megaman Power Battle/Fighter, which approached Megaman in the style of a fighting game. This, changes the gameplay to a beat´n up style.
Thanks OIlusionista for Hints and Scripts base.
Scenarios and characters based on Mega Man Power Battle/Fighters, Mega Man 7, Mega Man X, Mega Man 8, Mega Man and Bass and Mega Man Super Adventure. And some enemies from Older Mega Man games.
Cutscene of Story Mode Screen:
Main Story of the game:
Ra-Moon is back and kidnaps Dr. Willy from prison. At the same time, several robots are out of control and cause chaos throughout the city.
MegaMan, ProtoMan and Bass (and Duo, who returned from space) join forces to stop the chaos with other robot masters, to stop the threat of Ra-Moon and to save Dr. Willy's life in the process.
They will have help from some NPC´s throughout the 8 stages of the game, like FlipTop (Eddie), Beat, Metols of the Dr. Light, Bunby-Tanks, BombMan...
Nine Playable characters at moment with 6 palletes:
- MegaMan (or RockMan)
- ProtoMan (or Blues)
- GutsMan
- Bass (or Forte)
- HeatMan
- CutMan
- TomahawkMan
- Duo
- IceMan

The game has 3 modes for now:
1 - Story Mode:
The Main Mode of the game.
2 - Robot Master Arena Mode:
The robots are invited to participate in the new robot master tournament (the last one was in MegaMan6), by... King.
Fight All robots from Story Mode and King as last Boss.
3 - Moto-Jet Mode:
Play the two stages riding Moto-Jet in this game (based on Moto-Jets from MegaMan 5, Megaman X4, plus Special Shot and Defense, in this game)
Story Mode Screens:
TomahawkMan specials attacks:
Bass x TenguMan and Oni-Robos:
NPCs Metols of the Dr.Light are with blue, red or light purple crosses in his heads.
Gutsman - Quake Punch:
GutsMan x older enemies from MegaMan 2:
Megaman & Rush x Hammer Joe:
MegaMan fighting another dog-robot from MegaMan 2:
MagnetMan showing his new move to MegaMan:
MagnetMan using "Magnet Shock Wave" type move
MegaMan Kicking Sniper Joe:
ChargeMan attacking Cutman:
HeatMan burning the city (you can play with him only after second stage):
CutMan meeting SniperArmor & Rider Joe in Mega City Stage
CutMan Dash Attack
CutMan Spinning Blade
IceMan - Ice Wave Attack
IceMan - Ice Slasher
Iceman x Ra-Devil
StoneMan showing his new move to IceMan
IceMan & BombMan x Ra-Thor & another robots
Besides to shooting, the characters also beat the enemies with punches and kicks. As if it were an evolution of the idea of Megaman Power Battle/Fighter, which approached Megaman in the style of a fighting game. This, changes the gameplay to a beat´n up style.
Thanks OIlusionista for Hints and Scripts base.

Scenarios and characters based on Mega Man Power Battle/Fighters, Mega Man 7, Mega Man X, Mega Man 8, Mega Man and Bass and Mega Man Super Adventure. And some enemies from Older Mega Man games.
Cutscene of Story Mode Screen:

Main Story of the game:
Ra-Moon is back and kidnaps Dr. Willy from prison. At the same time, several robots are out of control and cause chaos throughout the city.
MegaMan, ProtoMan and Bass (and Duo, who returned from space) join forces to stop the chaos with other robot masters, to stop the threat of Ra-Moon and to save Dr. Willy's life in the process.
They will have help from some NPC´s throughout the 8 stages of the game, like FlipTop (Eddie), Beat, Metols of the Dr. Light, Bunby-Tanks, BombMan...
Nine Playable characters at moment with 6 palletes:
- MegaMan (or RockMan)
- ProtoMan (or Blues)
- GutsMan
- Bass (or Forte)
- HeatMan
- CutMan
- TomahawkMan
- Duo
- IceMan

The game has 3 modes for now:
1 - Story Mode:
The Main Mode of the game.
2 - Robot Master Arena Mode:
The robots are invited to participate in the new robot master tournament (the last one was in MegaMan6), by... King.
Fight All robots from Story Mode and King as last Boss.
3 - Moto-Jet Mode:
Play the two stages riding Moto-Jet in this game (based on Moto-Jets from MegaMan 5, Megaman X4, plus Special Shot and Defense, in this game)
Story Mode Screens:
TomahawkMan specials attacks:


Bass x TenguMan and Oni-Robos:

NPCs Metols of the Dr.Light are with blue, red or light purple crosses in his heads.

Gutsman - Quake Punch:

GutsMan x older enemies from MegaMan 2:

Megaman & Rush x Hammer Joe:

MegaMan fighting another dog-robot from MegaMan 2:

MagnetMan showing his new move to MegaMan:

MagnetMan using "Magnet Shock Wave" type move

MegaMan Kicking Sniper Joe:

ChargeMan attacking Cutman:

HeatMan burning the city (you can play with him only after second stage):

CutMan meeting SniperArmor & Rider Joe in Mega City Stage

CutMan Dash Attack

CutMan Spinning Blade

IceMan - Ice Wave Attack

IceMan - Ice Slasher

Iceman x Ra-Devil

StoneMan showing his new move to IceMan

IceMan & BombMan x Ra-Thor & another robots

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