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MegaMan Armada

Complete Mega Man Armada [updated 12/24/2019] 0.1.4

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UPDATED: 12/24/2019

Here's the changelog:
-Improved physics when walking off of a ledge, can now control horizontal movement
-Improved physics for all characters that can jump on enemies; can now control horizontal movement after bouncing off enemies
-Added mode: Stage Select; removed individual Robot Master stages from the main menu. Choose them from the stage select screen!
-Added stage: FrostMan
-Added stage: GutsMan
-Added playable character: Klonoa [Mixed]
-Added playable character: Beat (Jet Set Radio) [Shooter]
-Added playable character: Trunks [Slasher]
-Added playable character: Falco [Mixed]
-Added playable character: Inkling Boy [Shooter]
-Added playable character: Pokemon Trainer Red [Unique]
-Added playable character: IronMan [Mixed]
-Added playable character: Ken [Unique]
-Added playable character: Terry Bogard [Unique]
-Added playable character: Cammy [Unique]
-Added playable character: Bub [Mixed]
-Added playable character: Bob [Mixed]
-Updated all [Mixed]-type characters: increased shot damage power, increased shot distance
-Updated Ryu: increased power of special moves; increased defense modifier to 20%; replaced Super Armor with I-Frames
-Updated Captain Falcon: increased defense modifier to 20%; can now run; added Falcon Kick
-Updated Sonic: decreased defense modifier to 15%; moveset now similar to Rainbow Dash, see unique-movelist.txt for details
-Updated Mario: increased jump damage power; updated pain sprite
-Updated Luigi: increased jump damage power
-Updated Yoshi: increased jump damage power
-Updated Scrooge McDuck: increased jump damage power; changed ground attack, see unique-movelist.txt for details
-Updated Shovel Knight: increased jump damage power
-Updated Rainbow Dash: increased defense modifier to 15%
-Updated Donatello: increased the length of his bo staff sprite
-Updated Simon/Richter: decreased the height of the axe subweapon trajectory, increased the distance
-Updated Gunstar Red and Blue's walk cycle
-Updated Arcade Mode: changed the order in which stages appear
-Updated unique-movelist.txt
-Changed the order in which characters appear in the Character Select screen; sorted by MegaMan series, video game, then TV/comic
-Fixed the hitbox and attackbox on a certain enemy
-Fixed an issue where certain enemies would stop in front of players without attacking; as well as other misc. enemy adjustments
-Slightly updated MetalMan's stage, raised the floor in the beginning by one pixel

Guess who?

Mega Man Armada is a game I've talked about wanting to make since the early Lavalit days. The demo you see before you is the product of five years worth of screwing around with different gameplay styles. To say that I've technically made this game from scratch twenty times is an understatement. If you remember my old "Mega Man: The Power War" mod, then this one is the fully realized idea.

The concept of the game is, essentially, NES Mega Man with four players. I won't promise 1:1 NES game physics or technical aspects, but if you like NES games, you'll feel at home here. There's over 40 playable characters, because obviously I'm a masochist, and several different play styles.

Generally, there are four character types: Shooter, Slasher, Mixed, and Unique. The first three are the archetypes, and characters within the type class are clones of each other. Unique characters, naturally, have unique moves and properties. Please refer to movelist.txt and unique-movelist.txt to learn how to play.

Apologies if the demo is relatively short. I haven't worked on it in a long time, and I figured it'd be a shame to just sit on it when you guys could have fun.

Last edited by a moderator:
DJGameFreakTheIguana said:
Dat roster though. Looks great, I'll have to try it soon.  ;)


I'm 99% positive you're one of the select few people here who already tried it.  ;D Or was this not one of the million betas I used to PM you?

I think there was only two stages when you played it... there's three now.
From what I can gather, I don't think Nintendo will be happy about you using their characters in the roster...
NickyP said:
I'm 99% positive you're one of the select few people here who already tried it.  ;D Or was this not one of the million betas I used to PM you?
I think there was only two stages when you played it... there's three now.
Yeah I played it, just didn't want to sound off about it.  ;D
Nice to know there's..... 1 more stage.  :P

Miru said:
From what I can gather, I don't think Nintendo will be happy about you using their characters in the roster...
I didn't even think about this, but Miru has a point Nicky. Nintendo has been steamrolling people on this issue, hence the reason why Samus will no longer be a part of Cosmic Damage when I work on it again, as my plans to include Fox and Falco are shot. At this point, I'll most likely refrain from using any Nintendo related characters in my mods from now on.

I've played it and I could clearly see some problems (small and big ones)  but overall it's playable and fun to play :)
Still had so many characters to try though
Damon Caskey said:
Approved, and great to see you Nicky P!  :D

Great to be seen, DC.  :) Thanks!

Everyone, I've added the Chronocrash download link to the first post.

DJGameFreakTheIguana said:
Nice to know there's..... 1 more stage.  :P

One's better than none!  ;)

DJGameFreakTheIguana said:
Miru said:
From what I can gather, I don't think Nintendo will be happy about you using their characters in the roster...
I didn't even think about this, but Miru has a point Nicky. Nintendo has been steamrolling people on this issue, hence the reason why Samus will no longer be a part of Cosmic Damage when I work on it again, as my plans to include Fox and Falco are shot. At this point, I'll most likely refrain from using any Nintendo related characters in my mods from now on.

I doubt that Nintendo will come after me for custom sprites of their characters. I also doubt this short demo will catch their attention to begin with, honestly. But hey, if the Big N contacts me, then good--I've always wanted to work for their legal team, and having a little Fair Use battle with them may convince them to bring me on board. ;D Of course, that would mean I'd have to take the Washington State Bar Exam... but if Nintendo is hiring, I'll take it tomorrow!

Bloodbane said:
I've played it and I could clearly see some problems (small and big ones)  but overall it's playable and fun to play :)
Still had so many characters to try though

I see.  :) I hope, in spite of those issues, you had an enjoyable experience nonetheless. I haven't worked on this mod since December of 2016, but feel free to let me know what it is I can do better!
Nice Idea. I had a project with the same idea (using Megaman styled characters from many franchises called Megaman Bit Of Destiny), but it was a versus fighting game

Keep the good work
I'm aware! I probably should have asked you first, but... a few of the characters in the game were taken from sheets I found in your thread for Bit of Destiny. I made sure to credit the authors and the Mugen project itself in the credits.txt file, and I assume that's acceptable, but I apologize I didn't clear it with you sooner.
Okay, here are problems I spotted from this mod, I hope you can get time to do my suggestions below :)

1. Birds & other flying enemies movement isn't smooth. Using jumpframe is best to replace move if you're using the latter
2. Spike traps in Metal Man stage isn't covered properly. You can use fglayer to cover the chain
3. Horn traps in Air Man stage need longer delay when they hides. This is to make it more convincing that the path is safe

1. Boss fight room is too small. I suggest enlarging it to make it fit the screen. For Cutman's room, remove the 2 rocks
2. The wavy thing can't fall to holes. Setting subject_to_hole 1 might solve this but I suggest updating its AI to simply move continuously ignoring anything in its path
3. Cutter tosser need to have lower toss rate or at least a brief pause between tossing to give chance for players to walk past them safely

1. Just like in Megaman series, enemies should drop health item. You could add a randomizer to spawn bigger health item ;)
2. Related to #1, enemies could drop score items too
3. Like in Megaman series, you should have enemy spawners. Oh yes, there's one spawner already, you should add more :)
4. Spawn You Win message after boss has vanished from screen
5. Gave everyone move while jumping ability (currently everyone can't move after static jump). You can copy keyall.c script from Castlevania collab demo

That's for now :)
NickyP said:
I'm aware! I probably should have asked you first, but... a few of the characters in the game were taken from sheets I found in your thread for Bit of Destiny. I made sure to credit the authors and the Mugen project itself in the credits.txt file, and I assume that's acceptable, but I apologize I didn't clear it with you sooner.

I knew I recognize some of the edits :) Thanks for the credits.
Btw, I plan to continue that project on the future, maybe in OpenBOR. If you have any interest, drop me a line.
Alright gents, there's a lot for me to reply to, so expect a large post!  ;D

Bloodbane said:
1. Birds & other flying enemies movement isn't smooth. Using jumpframe is best to replace move if you're using the latter

Are you referring to the jumpframe trick, where you set the A/Y to zero? If I'm not mistaken, isn't that one of those unreliable workarounds that gets broken between versions here and there? I think I recall a few mods that moved enemies this way, only to become stationary in subsequent updates to the engine. In any case I agree the movement isn't the smoothest, and that's on the list of things to improve.

Bloodbane said:
1. Boss fight room is too small.

Honestly, I kind of prefer it this way. Many parts of the stages are accurate to the geometry of the originating game--IE, play Metal Man's stage in this mod, and play it in Mega Man 2, and you'll see it retains a lot of the same jumps and design. Likewise, the boss rooms in this game are the exact proportions from the source games, and I want to keep it as close to the original as I possibly can. Remember, the goal for this mod is "NES Mega Man with 4 players."  ;)

On that same note, the rocks were part of Cut Man's boss room in Mega Man 1.

Bloodbane said:
5. Gave everyone move while jumping ability (currently everyone can't move after static jump). You can copy keyall.c script from Castlevania collab demo

Yes, thank you! That's exactly what this mod needs, and it will alleviate poor nsw25's jumping troubles!

Bloodbane said:
3. Horn traps in Air Man stage need longer delay when they hides. This is to make it more convincing that the path is safe


3. Cutter tosser need to have lower toss rate or at least a brief pause between tossing to give chance for players to walk past them safely

I agree, and will implement those changes. Thanks for your input and keen eye, Bloodbane! :)

O Ilusionista said:
I knew I recognize some of the edits :) Thanks for the credits.
Btw, I plan to continue that project on the future, maybe in OpenBOR. If you have any interest, drop me a line.

Will do! Would you like the sheets for the characters I personally sprited? Dante, Cloud, Ness, and Ezio were drawn by yours truly.
Bloodbane, your keyall.c script is amazing. It's almost like this mod was unplayable without it--it really feels like the NES MegaMan games now. Thank you so much!

I'm in the process of finalizing TomahawkMan's stage. Once I do and add a few more updates, I'll release the fixed version.  :)
daniel said:
I miss Alex Kidd, Ninja Gaiden, Shinobi and Double Dragon in this Demo! ;)

Find me MegaMan-style sprite sheets of those characters, and I'll happily put them in.  :)
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