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Marvel Infinity War

Complete Marvel Infinity War v100a

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Hello, zvitor. I appreciate the efforts you've gone through in putting this game together, as well as making it better.
I wonder when the next update will come out, and when you will hold the next (Playable) Character poll.
im not sure if will make more public polls to next release, probably will be at Patreon,
yea forgot the part 2 video, is not hard to do just boring,but will do this video part 2 this month
I am trying to organize a 10 or more players "Retas" version of the game for a friend's video stream, 
"Retas" is a mode of game-play where people take turns @ trying to beat the game - in this case this game is pretty good, because the amount of characters is huge.

For this i was wondering if you are ok with users modifying/customizing the game.

What i will do is give each of the 4 players one life, but 22 continues - that way when one player dies, another player takes over & continues the game with a different character (when you continue, usually you can choose another character)

One thing i want to avoid is for players to accidentally choose a repeat character, currently AFAIK NOSAME command only works with players 1 & 2.
i have not checked if you fixed that issue somehow,
but another thing that i would like to see is if there is a way to make characters already used un-selectable
corse, let me wait for tests and check if there will be some serious bug repport first, so i dont need to upload it several times
corse, let me wait for tests and check if there will be some serious bug repport first, so i dont need to upload it several times
Possible Bug: I went into Prologue/First Alliance Mode and whilst the select screen shows the entire roster, the cursor will only navigate to members of the Villain team (skipping any others). This may be because I played Story Mode and then Prologue First Alliance mode afterwards (the villain team was the one I used to finish Story Mode).

EDIT: Just saw the loading screen message about this. Guess you already knew :)
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Possible Bug: I went into Prologue/First Alliance Mode and whilst the select screen shows the entire roster, the cursor will only navigate to members of the Villain team (skipping any others). This may be because I played Story Mode and then Prologue First Alliance mode afterwards (the villain team was the one I used to finish Story Mode).

EDIT: Just saw the loading screen message about this. Guess you already knew :)
yea, this are the only way i found to skip the allowselect limit, people didnt liked that team choice on this alternatives modes at previous version.
A.I.M Guard still kinda baffles me with how much worse than some bosses he feels. He punches at lightning speed with no delay and can spam-punch like crazy. He can interupt almost any attack the player is trying to do and he knock them down easy too. They always come in crowds too which makes them a nightmare, especially if you get more than one in front/surrounding you because they can stunlock you easily (and with characters like Groot or Thing, a single A.I.M Guard can stunlock them for a lot of damage due to their slow attacks and movement). Almost all basic enemies feel like they have a similar problem with the no delay before/after attacking (Club Guard kicks and SoldierX jump kicks for example) but A.I.M Guard by far is the worst offender and has made me rage quit on multiple occasions because they're not even hard, they're just annoying. 😅
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I found out the game is crashing while attempting to use the Marvel Comics icon to summon NPC assist attack, mostly while playing as any Avengers hero.
thats cool, thanks for share. some people dont get yet the ideia about what is a fan game, and thats cool, i dont have patient to argue about it.
I found out the game is crashing while attempting to use the Marvel Comics icon to summon NPC assist attack, mostly while playing as any Avengers hero.
not happenning here, more details please, and be sure to use build 6412

A.I.M Guard still kinda baffles me with how much worse than some bosses he feels. He punches at lightning speed with no delay and can spam-punch like crazy.
damn, did a update today and didnt saw this post before it, will incress the delay of his attacks on next one, are to fast indee. thanks
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