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Marvel Infinity War

Complete Marvel Infinity War v100a

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thank you my friend for ur efforts , i had finish the older version last year , cant wait to play this new version. oh one suggestion , will be more good if the .pak for android in zip/rar format, so its smaller for download. thanks :)
Awesome work i did 2 playthroughs of 2 of the remakes you made so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xwhCVgjPCA
Really cool stuff but can i just make one suggestion for the maximum carnage remake. I noticed its missing the boss music (I only played stage 1 so far) and i love that track so much ;D its not really a big deal but it would be nice if you could add it in a future update :)
ZVITOR, congratulations, this is probably the best OpenBor game together with Final Fight LNS.
One question though. I got the latest update and now, in selection screen, I can't read the names of the characters nor I can see their speed, strength, etc. Am I missing something?

In Portuguese:
ZVITOR, parabéns pelo seu trabalho, provavelmente é o melhor jogo de OpenBor junto com Final Fight LNS.
Tenho uma dúvida: baixei a última atualização, a 2.06, e agora, na tela de seleção de personagens, não vejo mais os nomes dos personagens nem os atributos, como força, velocidade, etc. Estou fazendo algo de errado?

Here is my playthrough of the game bro:


Loving what you did with the final battle with Thanos in story mode bro, whenever you loose a life you go to another one in your team!!  That was epic and one exciting experience man, thank you!!!

Can't wait to see what you come up with next!!! ;)

And here is my playthrough of The First Alliance Mode with Guardians of the Galaxy/Fantastic Four:

cant remeber becaus ei used one from 2017, but i will update ir, do tests and fix some erros which happen on new engines to next update
ZVitor, find the compilation date Oct 12 2016  with the version number v3.0  ;)
Works on the OpenBOR port for the Pandora handheld and your module seems to great.
I have to solve some bugs for some other module on the Pandora port before working on yours.
fantomid said:
ZVitor, find the compilation date Oct 12 2016  with the version number v3.0  ;)
Works on the OpenBOR port for the Pandora handheld and your module seems to great.
I have to solve some bugs for some other module on the Pandora port before working on yours.
nice :)

angelo378 said:
Hello, ZVitor. How can I see the character's stats, those bar points that existed in the previous version?
removed it to have more room for more chars at screen.

.... 2.1

Thanks! I think I'll download the previous release then! :)

ZVitor said:
fantomid said:
ZVitor, find the compilation date Oct 12 2016  with the version number v3.0  ;)
Works on the OpenBOR port for the Pandora handheld and your module seems to great.
I have to solve some bugs for some other module on the Pandora port before working on yours.
nice :)

angelo378 said:
Hello, ZVitor. How can I see the character's stats, those bar points that existed in the previous version?
removed it to have more room for more chars at screen.

.... 2.1

The game itself is always amazing, but any particular reason why the full select screen is never visible anymore? Why do you have to choose which group of characters you want (X-Men, Avengers, Villains, etc.)?
BaraKabal said:
The game itself is always amazing, but any particular reason why the full select screen is never visible anymore? Why do you have to choose which group of characters you want (X-Men, Avengers, Villains, etc.)?
yea, allowselect function have a limit of characters to load :(
ZVitor said:
BaraKabal said:
The game itself is always amazing, but any particular reason why the full select screen is never visible anymore? Why do you have to choose which group of characters you want (X-Men, Avengers, Villains, etc.)?
yea, allowselect function have a limit of characters to load :(

Then just have the select screen up for the modes that don’t require the allowselect. Sega Brawlers proves that this is possible.
i can put all chars at screen on initial select screen if not use allowselect at all.... but it bugs if i use continues on story mode....
On game mode 2: not use allowselect, so i can pick all heros at begin
On game mode 1: I use a allowselect to pick somes chars.
If i quit mode 1, and enter at mode 2, only chars loaded on mode 1 will be avaliable....


looks like incress allowselect limit are out of question ... so i will tink about other solution later, right now im focused on JLU project....
My problem with allowselect are not Heroes limit, are characters, so if instead of "CaptainAmerica" i use "CapAme" and use a script to display correct name...., it will save a lot of characters space to me, and probably work for 100+ chars,  i can try do that later, but will be a pain for sure.

Here is my playthrough on the X-Men: Mutant Apocalyspe Remake bro:


Loving all the updates and looking forward to seeing what you come up with bro, thanks again!! 8)
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