Really thanks for that huge feedback!
Firt, sorry if i didnt reply all your points, there are a lot!
- Gamora, Ghost rider was not resized, they uses snes bases.
and i preffer keep this snes look then use MVC resizes, i only used MVC when i really need the char, but didnt found a base on snes to do it.
i dont know if it is just me, but i really preffer current ghost rider then this one:
this MVC ghost rider dont fit, This project have a color limit, 157, and you cant apply projects colors easly, you need to remove somes tones on this case.
> That's fine if you like the original Ghost Rider more. I was only showing an example of a good resize. I wasn't suggesting that you actually use that particular Ghost Rider. I just didn't have your snes Ghost Rider sprites to try and test. Also, this Ghost Rider has less than 157 colors.
whyi keep this limit? this is stupid, openbor dont have that limit, but to me, is something really important, which helps to make everything fit,
on somes openbor games we see enemys sprites clash with heroes sprites, Here, blue of spiderman is same of fantastic four, nebula, sebastian shawn, and street cars...
> That's understandable about the color limit. I agree that sprites should not clash, and should look like they are in the same game. However, if a mvc character was to be resized to be used in game, I can easily recolor the sprites to match your color limit so it wouldn't look wrong and would match rest of characters. Just saying.
Some of your points are about personal preferences,
I didnt accepet any sprite on this whole game which i didnt liked, actually i have somes chars completly sprited which are out of game because i didnt liked so much of resuslts,
like Namor and Black bolt.
> Some are personal preferences, but with characters like Cable, the sprites really do need work, and that isn't just a personal preference.
- MFA2 story better then MIW
i really dont care about story, to me beatnups are always about clean streets and beat crime boss,
but i dont agree about it, MFA2 have more cut scenes, but is always a bad excuse to explain unlocked chars, any way, i dont care about story.
> For some one that doesn't care for story, you did an amazing job with it in MFA2. I knew what was happening the whole time, and felt a lot more immersive as a game. That's too bad you don't care about story. Story is the main reason I love Marvel and all comics (illustrated stories)
- to much shooters
we have must powerful heroes of planet here, villains will not beat they with a bat.
but after first feedback weave, i incressed shoters delay.
>I knew you were going to say that. I still don't agree that most enemies in the game should be shooters. I like shooting enemies, but there are too many present at one time, and enemy groups are not mixed up well at all. As far as gameplay and fun factor, that many shooters in a beat 'em up game is not fun and extremely boring. In the comics, guns don't really affect the heroes either, and the enemies usually have to create some crazy technology to battle the super heroes. Also, this is a beat 'em up game, and since you don't care about story, you shouldn't care that enemies are using bats, and swords, instead of pistols and machine guns, especially if it makes the game a lot more fun. Last, that many shooters slows down the game big time, and prevents you from being able to beat the game in your estimated 1:30 hour mark that you were going for. Melee enemies speed up combat, and are fun to fight against. Ranged should just support melee.
- i like what you did with stages angle,
if you do somes like that keep same colors, i can add to game in future.
I can do all of them like that, and keep all colors the exact same. I will start tonight
- hint at end of game
no ideia if this game will have a sequel, also i didnt bring age of apocalypse, MFA2 hint, so no more promises
>Well if you ever do a sequel, this would be an awesome addition
- short stages
Some of MFA2 stages are so long and boring, tried made this game more fast indee, my plan was a 1:30 hours, to beat,
but in end it still need 2+hours
>I disagree about the MFA2 stages being long and boring, especially when compared to MIW stages. Having long stages is much better than having stages that are a single room with lots of enemy spawns. Also, with so many enemy spawns at once, the stages are still just as long as the long MFA2, if not longer, and just a lot less shorter in walking distance.
- change chars portals are to avoid "hit the button to cancel cut scene and choiced captain america"
thats is not a problem anymore, because there are not cut scenes before char pick, and when we have it, you go to map select, so no accident choices.
>I understand. I still think they would be cool addition, but that is just my preference
- if add blood, i need to check if it is a robot or not, nah.... to much work, is not a must have like a MK project.
>Understandable. If I do this myself for you, will you consider adding to game?
- add playable chars to be npc, if you are alone.
i know somes openbor games already did it..... but we have 70+ chars here, will not have all this work to do and test it, also, we already uses so much memory here.
> I did not mean add playable chars to be npc if you are alone. I meant to make playable characters also NPC's in general. Period. I'm sure this would not be an easy thing to do, but would make NPC's a lot more useful. I don't blame you for not wanting to do this. It's just an idea
- really great that stage/npc/char list.
it will helps a lot, some like i said, are prefferences, but i agree with somes points.
> No problem, and I'm glad you agree with some points.
Thanks for all that work
> You're welcome, and thanks for taking the time to actually read all of it. Also, sorry for giving you a Spanish translation. I thought you spoke Spanish, and not Portuguese. Won't happen again.