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martial arts

Damon Caskey said:
Hilarious as that would be danno, I'd have to decline even if you were serious and nsw25 was interested. I think BAB is a funny concept, but I'm afraid in this part of the world there's a lot of people who don't share my viewpoint. Even a minor association could have real life repercussions for me, up to and including affecting my career. That's also why I won't personally go out of my way to advertise it.

AH, my bad, didn't think about that, I forgot how important your situations are outside of OpenBor.

Damon Caskey said:
It's one thing to show off, but the essence of our system is brutal practicality - we learn the flashy techniques as a balance, timing, and speed building tool, and I'm not above using them to zone someone out in contact sparing. But if my old instructor caught me opening with something like that in a real fight, he'd probably jump in and pound me himself!  :P

I lacked discipline when it came to martial arts, my Karate instructor told me to only use it for self defence, first thing I did out the door was use it to beat up a bunch of girls who were a few years older than me, It was the 1980's , Karate kid movie was BIG and I was Daniel San, Karate sufficed until I got into high school and my opponents had testicles.

Damon Caskey said:
I have had to handle myself a bit the past, and my tools are much more pedestrian. Mainly knees and elbows mixed with simple take downs. Ended several issues just using my reach to snatch the other guy's ankles and up end him. Few good stomps later and that's that. These days the main dangers I'm likely to meet are frightened bears or illegal pot farmers. Both are both pretty common in the back woods here and I've no intention of slugging it out with either of them. For that and other reasons you'll never see me unarmed.

hahaha I just had this image of you round house kicking a bear who was just tryna protect his illegal stash, elbows and knees are my favourite, they never used to hurt the next day but thats changed with age too, elbows started to hurt my shoulder joints funnily enough and hips started to hurt after I'd use my knees, I was always shocked how easy it was to open up another human, how easy skin rips and bones break I remember several people ending up just feeling like jelly in my hands. the worst experience I ever had was when I was in Y.O (youth offenders) in a prison called stoke heath one fight I don't even remember thats how hard I got hit, guy was half my size and I underestimated him.

Damon Caskey said:
Have you ever thought of biking? I recently added that to my hobbies, and man... I went out for a short ride and accidentally wound up two towns over (about 35K one way). You can just lose yourself and it's an awesome low impact cardio tool. Might help you drop some of the weight you were talking about.


I was talking with my partner today about getting some bikes, we are going back to Italy in a couple weeks if our flights aren't cancelled again due to covid, when we return we decided to get some bikes and go on rides together so thanks for the recommendation, defo gonna try it out.
danno said:
hahaha I just had this image of you round house kicking a bear who was just tryna protect his illegal stash...

That's a great image danno, and also reminded me of something hilarious (IMO) from a couple of years ago. I had a minor slip-up rock climbing and scarred my right bicep pretty good. Just a surface cut, no big deal but looked a lot worse than what it was. Anyway, while it was still healing I was picking up some stuff and guy ringing me up at grocery store asked what happened. I jokingly told him I ran into a bear in the woods, and it must have wanted the food in my pack.. "...so I had to go ahead and kick his ass."

...and instead of just laughing, he BOUGHT IT. Dude was all wide eyed and thought I was the baddest man alive. I almost left without telling him it was just a joke.  :D

Damon Caskey
I once told a somewhat similar joke to a guy at work. I had bite marks on my arm as a result of playing with the cat. So the guy asked me what happened. I told him that I was bitten by a king cobra. He asked "Really?!" and I responded with "Yeah I was, but after five days of agonizing pain, the cobra died." (props to those who know where I got that joke from :P)

I love that video ;D
I've been practising taekwondo for many years now. This year was my tournament, as we know the pandemic happened. The tournaments and all training at the academy had to be cancelled this year :(

Besides taekwondo, I do some boxing and I'm very fond of weight training  :)
nsw25 said:
Not exactly martial arts related but I also do Pro Wrestling and have been making a series of matches with choose your own adventure endings where the ending with most votes will beacome cannon and official ending. Let me know what you think of latest episode (its a comedy match)


mixed feelings, i really like this,  reminds me of my good old days, & im mad because i want to play NO-mercy but have no one to play with
I used to be a 3rd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo and even did official judging/refereeing for regional olympic-style sparring tournaments but once College started eating me alive, I eventually quit (not to mention the burnout/depression I started to get from it).

I recently started going to a boxing gym back this September but now I had to take a break due to tendonitis in my wrist making it impossible for me to effectively train. Hopefully I can get back into shape soon but man, I could to kill to at least have a solid experience in boxing or MMA (the latter unfortunately being out of my budget with the kind of gyms they had).
I used to be a 3rd Dan Black Belt in Taekwondo and even did official judging/refereeing for regional olympic-style sparring tournaments but once College started eating me alive, I eventually quit (not to mention the burnout/depression I started to get from it).

I recently started going to a boxing gym back this September but now I had to take a break due to tendonitis in my wrist making it impossible for me to effectively train. Hopefully I can get back into shape soon but man, I could to kill to at least have a solid experience in boxing or MMA (the latter unfortunately being out of my budget with the kind of gyms they had).

Sounds like maybe somebody was hitting the bag without fully wrapping themselves first... ;)

Sounds like maybe somebody was hitting the bag without fully wrapping themselves first... ;)


Funny thing is, I've been familiar with wrapping my fist for a while, especially for heavy bag drills, but I guess one day it was improperly wrapped somehow so you definitely make a point there, that plus maybe a sloppy punch or two haha.

if you plan on doing game spriting, i would get a drawing tablet if i where you, because those wrist problems might get worse if you attempt to use a mouse..

in these last few years i have also noticed that a messed up neck combined with a weakened upper back musculature and bad posture has effects on wrists and fore-arms.

if i skip lifting/pulling weights for a month or so i get numbness and pain and some wrist troubles

if you plan on doing game spriting, i would get a drawing tablet if i where you, because those wrist problems might get worse if you attempt to use a mouse..

in these last few years i have also noticed that a messed up neck combined with a weakened upper back musculature and bad posture has effects on wrists and fore-arms.

if i skip lifting/pulling weights for a month or so i get numbness and pain and some wrist troubles
Definitely, I often use a wrist bracelet nowadays until I fully heal at this point for computer-related stuff, I've gotten used to it now lol.

Well not that it's super important, but I did managed to alleviate the issue a bit by utilizing a weightlifting strap around my wrist to help stabilize my wrist while doing basic exercises and now I can even go back to doing heavy bag work (albeit not as hard for obvious reasons) atop my hand wraps.

Fortunately, I can still kick so I can still enjoy throwing heavy roundhouses as much as I want lol.
Fortunately, I can still kick so I can still enjoy throwing heavy roundhouses as much as I want lol.

Until you let your foot get out of position and accidently toe poke it at pull power... Speculation of course, totally not saying that from experience. :censored:

Until you let your foot get out of position and accidently toe poke it at pull power... Speculation of course, totally not saying that from experience. :censored:


Owwww, I definitely feel that.

Luckily my feet have naturally kinda seemed to avoid toe-poking unless I reaaally wanna kick high over my own head, but my concern would be moreso having to stretch and warmup enough so I don't pull my hamstring lol
Hey guys!

Been a while obviously but I guess I'd share that I had just come back from my first ever sparring session at the boxing gym.

Needless to say as a newbie in boxing still, it went about as ... well as a newbie in boxing having no clue what sparring in boxing is like. Admittedly the embarrassment hurts more than anything physically lol. Figured this story might get a kick out of some of y'all whom have boxed before and whatnot.

So after some very hard training in class tonight, I was tired but I really wanted to spar since I finally bought a mouthpiece and I wanted to eagerly learn and feel what it was like to get in the ring. I was a total buffoon trying to get the odd straps under my helmet until my coach fixed it on me, so my inexperience in just that alone got me a tad flustered initially.

Finally, I stepped into the ring with one of the boxers (let's call him Tim for this story) whom was probably somewhat younger than me but absolutely had way more experience than I did. The coach told him it was my first time ever boxing and to hit me however I hit him. I knew he was a better boxer than me and going hard would be the last thing I'd want to do if he was going to retaliate with that same energy, if not more. Before I could even sneak in a jab, he already got me square in the face and alas, I experienced the shock of taking a pretty good blow to the face. I quickly shook it off but it felt like everything I learned in the boxing gym prior went out the window. He got in several more good blows and by the time the round ended, my nose was a bloody mess (luckily it stopped fast and I felt fine after I wiped my face).

I took a breather and gave it another go with someone else, whom was luckily more forgiving and worked with me well. I did much better this time and while my technique wasn't that great, I actually got some decent hits (I think). They said I did well for a beginner and the second guy who sparred me said "you fight better than you think, you just don't like getting hit (I mean, I guess that's kind of a typical response)". I'll admit that I was so self-conscious that I didn't know if the compliments were genuine or if they were just out of pity or trying to make me feel better since I got rocked pretty good.

Well, my feelings about it aside, it does feel good to have that bit of experience now and I'm gonna force myself to spar more and just learn from this so I can feel better about myself when/if I improve in the ring. At least I didn't know I'd be able to take punches that well, even if I bled a little. I just hope I'm not too alone in how it was to be sparring for the first time lol.
Hey guys!

Been a while obviously but I guess I'd share that I had just come back from my first ever sparring session at the boxing gym.

Needless to say as a newbie in boxing still, it went about as ... well as a newbie in boxing having no clue what sparring in boxing is like. Admittedly the embarrassment hurts more than anything physically lol. Figured this story might get a kick out of some of y'all whom have boxed before and whatnot.

So after some very hard training in class tonight, I was tired but I really wanted to spar since I finally bought a mouthpiece and I wanted to eagerly learn and feel what it was like to get in the ring. I was a total buffoon trying to get the odd straps under my helmet until my coach fixed it on me, so my inexperience in just that alone got me a tad flustered initially.

Finally, I stepped into the ring with one of the boxers (let's call him Tim for this story) whom was probably somewhat younger than me but absolutely had way more experience than I did. The coach told him it was my first time ever boxing and to hit me however I hit him. I knew he was a better boxer than me and going hard would be the last thing I'd want to do if he was going to retaliate with that same energy, if not more. Before I could even sneak in a jab, he already got me square in the face and alas, I experienced the shock of taking a pretty good blow to the face. I quickly shook it off but it felt like everything I learned in the boxing gym prior went out the window. He got in several more good blows and by the time the round ended, my nose was a bloody mess (luckily it stopped fast and I felt fine after I wiped my face).

I took a breather and gave it another go with someone else, whom was luckily more forgiving and worked with me well. I did much better this time and while my technique wasn't that great, I actually got some decent hits (I think). They said I did well for a beginner and the second guy who sparred me said "you fight better than you think, you just don't like getting hit (I mean, I guess that's kind of a typical response)". I'll admit that I was so self-conscious that I didn't know if the compliments were genuine or if they were just out of pity or trying to make me feel better since I got rocked pretty good.

Well, my feelings about it aside, it does feel good to have that bit of experience now and I'm gonna force myself to spar more and just learn from this so I can feel better about myself when/if I improve in the ring. At least I didn't know I'd be able to take punches that well, even if I bled a little. I just hope I'm not too alone in how it was to be sparring for the first time lol.

Good on you getting in the ring @MysticalMist! It's not easy, and you do have to get over the natural tendency to avoid hits.

It's not about being an idiot wading in and taking it, the point is staying calm under pressure and making the correct moves so you don't take damage. There's no shame in being nervous or jittery. However, our instincts are pretty much always wrong in the ring, so until you can shake that fear, you're target practice.

One thing I learned real quick and so does everyone else their first time: Those gloves aren't padding, they're clubs. Headgear keeps your face intact, but doesn't do anything about getting your bell rung.

Keep at it, and work on your stamina. Speed and power will come naturally as your technique improves. Stamina won't. It's your most important physical asset and the hardest one to develop, so focus hard.

When sparing, lead with your jab and take note of everything you can for next time. Don't be ashamed to cover up and regroup if you're getting tagged. Also don't get suckered into gassing yourself out. Experienced guys know you're nervous and they'll draw you into chasing them all over whiffing shots until you can barely move.

There's more, but I don't want to go overboard. Happy training!

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