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La-Quien Tales

Painted over upscale and pixelated , original is hires.
Modified parts of the outfit i did not understood and simplified it.
Yeah the cutout animation looks good only when you cant tell its cutout animation.Creating a game in that res would be a pita.taleshres.png
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While working on new animations and another character, I noticed some parts of Valis just didn't quite fit what I wanted, so I went back and re-tooled his existing animations using what I've learned along the way. It's probably hard to tell, but to me the difference is huge.
  • Pauldron slightly larger and has texture in the metal.
  • Sword replaced to appear more like I envisioned it. It's a bit larger and has much more pronounced texture. Assisted using RotSprite as recommended by @O Ilusionista and @bWWd.
  • Sheath is now scaled properly to accommodate sword, and has corrected light sourcing. Also made using RotSprite to assist.
  • More generous highlighting on boots in movements to be consistent with idle.
  • Tabard tails no longer covers nearest leg while walking, running, or in hand spring.
  • Walking animation is slightly taller to more accurately reflect an upright position compared to idle.
  • Palette no longer uses a blue highlight for hair. Dark blue is a generally accepted means to add texture to black hair, but in development forum, I noticed way too many people assuming his hair color was actually blue, and/or the character is East Asian (he is actually a high fantasy Caucasian of mixed human/elf lineage).
  • Redraw some of the running jump frames to be less jerky with sword positioning.

More to come,
The first of Valis's attack animations. As the description says, it's just a humble jab, but got to start somewhere. I decided to draw some unarmed sprites first just to give me a base for the weapon moves. The BOR punch sound is just filler until I can record voices and my own sound effects.

Watch out, you can be disarmed!
I really like this idea, will weapons break when used to block with repeatedly?
What's your thoughts on Valis doing a back flip over a weapon and picking it up?
I remember in the 2 DnD games, the player could collect an item by sliding over it.
When looking at your character, I think he would move like the guy with the Rapier or the Viper.
The first of Valis's attack animations. As the description says, it's just a humble jab, but got to start somewhere.
Will you add a light grapple system?
Aggressor of dark kombat would be a great source of reference here.
I'm limited to the sprites I come across but you create them, an acquired skill worthy of praise.
Keep it up.
I really like this idea, will weapons break when used to block with repeatedly?

No. There's no penalty for blocking other than the intrinsic limitations of doing so.

Weapons you pick up work like typical beat em up's. You drop them any time you get knocked down. After a couple of losses, they either break or are thrown out of reach into the screen (I hate the weird flash and vanish effect). Your default weapon is harder to drop. Hard hits, counter-hits, and specific enemy moves can do it though (think Capcom Alien vs. Predator). They never get broken, but after too many drops they can get knocked out of reach for remainder of the stage.

Depending on the character, getting disarmed can mean just a minor damage/range loss, or be a pretty serious handicap.

I'm toying with the idea that if you finish a stage with a picked up weapon you collect it permanently into your inventory, and can choose to enter subsequent stages with it acting as your primary, but I haven't decided yet.

What's your thoughts on Valis doing a back flip over a weapon and picking it up?
I remember in the 2 DnD games, the player could collect an item by sliding over it.

There's no sliding over items to collect mechanic. On the other hand, I'm not going to have dozens of tiny items strewn about like the Capcom games.

The hand spring is just Valis's back dash, and it's a trade off compared to most. It offers a couple more dodge frames than most characters, but unlike them, he can't cancel out of it until the very end, so its kind of commital.

When looking at your character, I think he would move like the guy with the Rapier or the Viper.

Absolutlely not. For starters, Valis is a top tier character operating in a high fantasy setting, compared to GOT/SOFAI being low fantasy. So unless you scaled them up or scaled him down to equvilent power levels, he would shove Oberyn up The Mountain's a** while listening to Swing Out Sister. And that's before he whipped out his spellcasting.

Sylistically, he'd probably be closer to Arthur Dayne, but that's a generalization. I specfically made him not to comform to any trope.

Will you add a light grapple system?
Aggressor of dark kombat would be a great source of reference here.

Grappling is important, but it's not a wrestling game (which, at its core, ADOK very much is). To synergize correctly with the various other mechanics and keep a faster pace, there's no "walk and grab". Throws are executed like vs. games. Think later Street Fighters. You get close enough, enter the command. Everyone at minimum has at least two:

Light Atk + Heavy Atk = Always ends with opponent behind.
Light Atk + Heavy Atk + Forward = Always ends with opponent in front.

Almost everyone has a lot more, many have chain throws, and throws you can execute as part of attack strings. With certain exceptions, you are NOT invincible when throwing, but that's not really important unless your character has slower throws or you're going for a long throw string, when you might want to wrap it up before another enemy closes in and clocks you.

What are you thinking soundtrack wise? kind of music do you hear while Valis is kicking guys in the Ball-Orcs?
What are you thinking soundtrack wise? kind of music do you hear while Valis is kicking guys in the Ball-Orcs?


You touched on something very important to me, and also by far the hardest part.

I used to be a decent vocalist and can envision a soundtrack no problem. In fact, lot of concepts, stages and set pieces in my head are actually inspired FROM music tracks I've heard through the years, weird as that sounds (pun intended). The problem is I have absolutely NO clue about composition. Zero. The most I ever did was smash midi tracks together and play around with notes a little when that was a thing, and believe me, those were the musical equivalents of a BOR clone trash mod.

These would be some of my inspirations, and in a perfect world I would take tracks from them, but obviously I can't to stay an original work:
  • PS1 Soul Blade/Edge.
  • Tower of Doom (Yes, just Tower of Doom - Good as SoM is, especially, the select screen, overall the soundtrack is nowhere near as atmospheric).
  • PS2 Golden Axe. God awful remake, but that soundtrack... wow.
  • Knights of The Round.
  • Tekken 5/6.
  • Dungeon Fighter Online.
  • Swing Out Sister.
That last one is obviously a big departure, but it isn't a joke. I'm a big fan. I'd love to go see them if they ever play in the states again. Some of their instrumentals would make unconventional but fitting stage themes. Like, the introduction stage, where you are in a bucolic hot spring lake, early evening, with steaming falls and such around, would work perfectly with this:

Because the game has a time traveling element, and due to some other overall story elements, this one basically screams "closing credits":

Since they're a relatively small act, I'm seriously considering seeing if I can get in contact and find out what they would want to license some tracks.

Other than that, not much I can do other than roll up my sleeves and learn, same with sprites.

Yeah my family are pretty famous musicians, my Dad had a number 1 uk hit in 1974

sorry to derail, but yeah let me know what you want from them music wise and I'll see what can happen.
Yeah my family are pretty famous musicians, my Dad had a number 1 uk hit in 1974

That's sweet man. Sounds a lot like Jackson 5, but without the overproduced, artificial flavor. I like it! Also, dang, those leisure suits!

sorry to derail, but yeah let me know what you want from them music wise and I'll see what can happen.

Probably couldn't afford to license 10 seconds of an actual track, but one of these days I would just love to meet them. Ms. Corrine can sing the lights out IMO. Probably closest I'll ever come to celebrity worship.

now I feel weird cuz I was listening to Breakout before read these messages lmao >.<. Well your uncle plays good the bass :D

You touched on something very important to me, and also by far the hardest part.

I used to be a decent vocalist and can envision a soundtrack no problem. In fact, lot of concepts, stages and set pieces in my head are actually inspired FROM music tracks I've heard through the years, weird as that sounds (pun intended). The problem is I have absolutely NO clue about composition. Zero. The most I ever did was smash midi tracks together and play around with notes a little when that was a thing, and believe me, those were the musical equivalents of a BOR clone trash mod.

These would be some of my inspirations, and in a perfect world I would take tracks from them, but obviously I can't to stay an original work:
  • PS1 Soul Blade/Edge.
  • Tower of Doom (Yes, just Tower of Doom - Good as SoM is, especially, the select screen, overall the soundtrack is nowhere near as atmospheric).
  • PS2 Golden Axe. God awful remake, but that soundtrack... wow.
  • Knights of The Round.
  • Tekken 5/6.
  • Dungeon Fighter Online.
  • Swing Out Sister.
That last one is obviously a big departure, but it isn't a joke. I'm a big fan. I'd love to go see them if they ever play in the states again. Some of their instrumentals would make unconventional but fitting stage themes. Like, the introduction stage, where you are in a bucolic hot spring lake, early evening, with steaming falls and such around, would work perfectly with this:

Because the game has a time traveling element, and due to some other overall story elements, this one basically screams "closing credits":

Since they're a relatively small act, I'm seriously considering seeing if I can get in contact and find out what they would want to license some tracks.

Other than that, not much I can do other than roll up my sleeves and learn, same with sprites.

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