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Infiltration Openbor Games


Well-known member
I may have asked that long time ago.
But I always have been curious about games with non beat em up concept done with Openbor.

I'm very curious about the "infiltration" genre.
Not really the kind of game I play.
But I would be curious to know about a game using such "concept".

Well, as Damon posted above, I've made many non-beatem up games in fact most of my recent games are shooters. The latest one isn't about beating nor shooting at all.

Anyways, infiltration sounds complex. At least, it has 3 phases: entry, inside and escape. Entry is when player enters the place to infiltrate, inside is when player is inside doing whatever the given mission is and escape is when player leaves the place. I assume all phases require stealth which requires special enemy AI to detect or not to detect player.
Is this what you have in mind Ned?
Well, as Damon posted above, I've made many non-beatem up games in fact most of my recent games are shooters. The latest one isn't about beating nor shooting at all.

Anyways, infiltration sounds complex. At least, it has 3 phases: entry, inside and escape. Entry is when player enters the place to infiltrate, inside is when player is inside doing whatever the given mission is and escape is when player leaves the place. I assume all phases require stealth which requires special enemy AI to detect or not to detect player.
Is this what you have in mind Ned?
Yes, this kind.
Actually I have been curious about the stealth mechanics for a long time now.
More than actual infiltration.
Perhaps for some Ninja themed game idea...

And sure I tested all your games and demos.
Since Crime Buster "craziness", I always followed your work. :)
The tough part about stealth mechanic is to define what stealth is. If it is being invisible to enemies, then setting stealth should do as starter. But if it is being outside of enemy's viewing range, that might require extra work coding the view range.
And we need to define what enemy would do if stealth fails. Set off alarm? chase player? shoot?
Yeah, it is complex.
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