Downloaded the new update yesterday and finished trying everybody as well as looking at the ones who got updates
TYRIS: It said she was updated but honestly I couldn't notice any changes ^_^" I need to play with her more maybe.
DORA: I can feel she's faster at turning around, maybe a tiny bit faster in general? I think I also noticed she knocks enemies further away with attacks? She might have always had that though, I can't remember. Couldn't really pick up on any other changes to her though, and she still feels like the worst character overall ^_^" I wanna mess with her more though, see if I can figure out some 'right' way to use her. EDIT: OH! I had an idea for her. Since she's part horse, do you think a 'back attack' would suit her (a buck)?
PROUD CRAGGER: He's pretty good! I found my playthrough with him decent, but he gets a little boring after a while, since all he can do is unarmed combo and throw weapons. I also assumed he would be a grappler, but I found that grabbing enemies is harder with him than anybody else. I'm not sure why. He starts doing the 'close combo' but when I try to input throws from it, they only work a very small amount of the time compared to other characters. I think he should have the biggest grab distance (or whatever is used to determine throws in this game), since it would fit him well, especially since he has several different throw animations

I'd also consider changing his special for when he doesn't have any weapons. Throwing a clump of sand seems... kinda lame? lol, and it's not very useful at all. I would've suggested a command grab, but King Eve already has one. It's fun that he can tame animals, and I really like the animation he has for it, it's pretty cute to see him petting them
Side note: Speaking of animals; the most adorable thing thing in the game is when you go to the boat stage with an animal and they sleep on the bed with you. That is SUCH a nice and adorable touch.

These are the little details that really make the game shine at times.
CHRONOS: Much like AX, he feels pretty great. He is good with quite a few weapons and I liked all of his specials with them, especially the Spear. I didn't expect him to be good with those but damn it's fun to use the special with that, haha. The spin with the blades is really cool too.
SARA: She is exactly what I hoped she would be: fun and agile. As soon as I learned she was a dancer, I was hoping for acrobatics with her and I wasn't disappointed. She does feel a little weak at times, but her knife and unarmed skills are pretty great (her basic unarmed combo has such a cool animation). I was expecting more 'interesting' trajectories with the different weapons after the update, rather than them having the mostly same over-head throw, and the Tyris Sword in particular she throws too high I think, I never hit anything with it, lol. Something like the Antonio Boomerang in SoR would've been amazing for one of the smaller weapons. Overall though she's pretty fun. I'd say sticking with the throw theme for her would be cool, or even a 'dance' theme, with more acrobatics, or performing interesting animations with weapons (like a twirl, etc.). It's always fun seeing character lore represented in their movesets
KAIN: I didn't get to complete a playthrough with him 'cause I had some family drama right around that time :/ But what I played of him he seemed fine. Like Cragger, I worry he will lack in things to actually do, but his basic combo has a very fun animation at least, and the special is nice (though could use some Z on it's hitbox, as many enemies tend to walk just out of range on the Z plane). It's very cool that he can charge his own MP with it too. I need to play with that more. He seems OK
KING EVE: Unarmed, he is pretty great, and his special (throw) is very handy. Weapon-wise, I haven't found anything I'd rather use over being unarmed, haha. but I get the feeling you're not really supposed to use weapons with him? I didn't get to finish my run with him 'cause one of the knights got stuck off screen during a village scene (the one with the wooden barricades). I guess I dashed by them and the knight couldn't get around the barricade or something.
Enemy-wise, I'm reluctant to complain about the skeletons because they're supposed to be the bane of any Golden Axe game, but here they feel like mini-bosses, and sometimes you have to fight like 5 of them at once. I'm not sure what could be done to tone them down really. Their jump attacks, anti-air, etc. are all staples of them so they can't really be removed. They just feel a little TOO overwhelming for a basic enemy right now. They also have a LOT of health. Actually, in general it feels like some enemies and bosses have way too much health. I feel like I'm stuck on the same screen for ages sometimes, just beating down the same enemy because stuff just won't die, lol. The knights are probably my least favourite enemy in the game in general (though Colonel Kicks-A-Lot in the dessert comes pretty frickin close...). Aside from the huge health pool, they're near impossible to knock down, and they swing their sword faster than you'll ever react to it. It feels like if you try to hit them, they WILL hit you first, and there's no real way to avoid it, unless you just always carry the mace and shield with you, I guess. The section with the pit and THREE knights is like... ridiculous xD When I first saw that I was like "are you trolling?" I could see that being in the Hardcore or Inferno Mode, but not the Normal Mode, lol. I think the objective is to knock the knights down the pit, right? But the knights cannot really be knocked down, so it's extremely hard to even get them near the pit, let alone knock them down it. The only time they fell down the pit was when they killed me and my respawn caused them to fall down XD.
I hope I don't sound like I complain too much, I guess I tend to be nit-picky with these things but I don't want you to think I hate the game or anything like that. It's easily one of the best things you've made (and I was already a fan of your other works).