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Golden Axe remake fixing

Xerxes Von Braun

New member
Hello everyone

im trying to fix the golden axe remake that has some issues

discover that there is 1 enemy at first level that has missing HP in the txt and never dies

I've unpacked the .pak
added the hp for the enemy
and packed it back to .pak
but when i try to run it simply crash does not even reach the menu

Any leads ?

btw ill be off till next weekend
Is there any option on openbor to enable debug error log output? So i can figure out myself the crash instead of asking : P
By default error message is logged in openborlogs.txt in logs folder.

You should post the log file here for us to see what's wrong.

BTW you don't need to pak the mod to play the mod. You can run the mod with dummy pak in paks folder. Very useful for testing  :)
Bloodbane said:
By default error message is logged in openborlogs.txt in logs folder.

You should post the log file here for us to see what's wrong.

BTW you don't need to pak the mod to play the mod. You can run the mod with dummy pak in paks folder. Very useful for testing  :)

cool ill try 2night and i post the log

Got a setback this weekend couldn't try i will the next wknd
Loading sprites.............. Done!
Loading level order..........
********** An Error Occurred **********
* Shutting Down *

Error loading level list from data/levels.txtTotal Ram: 8558850048 Bytes
Free Ram: 6272184320 Bytes
Used Ram: 39731200 Bytes

Release level data...........

Release graphics data........ Done!
Release game data............

Release game data............ Done!
Release timer................ Done!
Release input hardware....... Done!
Release sound system......... Done!
Release FileCaching System... Done!

**************** Done *****************

Error loading level list from data/levels.txt


i only edited

why some monster dont have hp

loadingbg data/bgs/wilder/loading.gif  -80 -240 480 0 -100
# Wilderness
music        data/music/wilder~1.bor
bossmusic       data/music/battle~1.bor

background    data/bgs2/wilder/stg1_bg.gif
# water        data/bgs2/grid/water.gif        15

panel        data/bgs2/wilder/stg1.gif none none
# panel        data/bgs2/grid/normal02.gif none none

order    a

settime 0
notime  1

load Male_Villager2
load a_chick
load g_chick
load t_chick
load amachick
load lonchick
load henchick
load Magic_Pot

levelscript data/levels2/wilderne/lvinit.c
endlevelscript data/levels2/wilderne/end.c

palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/mist1.act 0 1 0 0 0 1         #1

palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/mist3.act 0 1 0 0 0 1          #2
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/mist5.act 0 1 0 0 0 1          #3
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/mist7.act 0 1 0 0 0 1          #4
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/sunny.act 0 1 0 0 0 1         #5

palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/sunset2.act 0 1 0 0 0 1        #6
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/sunset4.act 0 1 0 0 0 1        #7
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/sunset6.act 0 1 0 0 0 1       #8
palette data/bgs2/wilder/pals/sunset8.act 0 1 0 0 0 1       #9

# player1 spawn position
spawn1  64 60
spawn2  64 80
spawn3  64 100

# walls/platforms
wall    1164 90 0 0 1400 1400 80 400
wall    664 112 0 0 512 498 44 400
wall    -936 140 0 0 1606 1616 100 400
wall    726 160 0 28 394 364 64 50

#palette change
setpalette 1
at 0

light 256 -128
at 0

spawn    Alex
health  12
coords    370 160
at    0

spawn    Longmoan
map 2
coords    440 160
health  16
at 0

at 0

#at 1

spawn Heninger
map 2
coords -100 175
health  16
at 80

spawn    Longmoan
coords    360 180
health  16
at 80

at 80

spawn    Heninger
map 3
coords    360 200
health  32
at 120

spawn    Longmoan
coords    420 170
health  32
at 120

at 180

spawn Thief
alias BlueThief
health 2
coords 340 175
at 300

spawn palette_changer
spawnscript data/levels2/wilderne/mist.c
coords 0 0
at 300

at 300

spawn Amazon
coords 600 130 80
health  41
map 2
weapon Chickenlegs
at 414

# group
spawn    Male_Villager
flip 1
coords    320 200
at    414

spawn    Longmoan
spawnscript data/levels2/wilderne/stomp.c
coords    340 200
at    414
# end group

at 500

spawn Thief
alias BlueThief
health 2
coords -80 210
at 760

spawn Thief
alias BlueThief
health 1
coords 350 130 20
at 760

at 760

spawn Longmoan
health 16
coords 340 210
at 860

spawn Heninger
map 2
health 16
coords 360 130
at 880

at 900

spawn palette_changer
spawnscript data/levels2/wilderne/sunset.c
coords 0 0
at 920

#----test spawn

spawn   Kid_Villager
coords    330 200
at    950

# group
spawn    Male_Villager
flip 1
coords    320 180
at    1000

spawn    Longmoan
spawnscript data/levels2/wilderne/stomp.c
boss 1
coords    340 180
at    1000
# end group

spawn    Longmoan
boss 1
coords    540 160
weapon Chickenlegs
at    1000

spawn    Bad_Brother
boss    1
coords    490 160
at    1000

spawn    Bad_Brother
boss    1
coords    496 180
at    1000

im dizzy
Error loading level list from data/levels.txt

Hmmm... that kind of error might be caused by something missing in levels.txt.

why some monster dont have hp
Not having hp declared simply mean, monster (or entity) in general spawns with their default health. IOW it's not an error.
this only happens if i modify wilderne.txt

so then how to fix monster not dying when playing with dwarf
and magic over exploding with barbarian ?

Where to tweak then in .c files ?

Btw i can't find anywhere OpenBor 3482 build for windows to try it
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Hi Xerxes Von Braun, it seems that you use an old version of Golden Axe Remake. I already fixed these bugs that you mentionned in the lastest public version and works in widescreen with the latest build.
The open source link:
The pak file:

Oh ill try it then


uhm i see you fixed them but others things are acting kind of weird
as magic gnomes dont get their bag empty when you hit them
when ax kick monsters they dont fly and drop like in the bugged version they just die in the place
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Hmmm... that kind of error might be caused by something missing in levels.txt.

Not having hp declared simply mean, monster (or entity) in general spawns with their default health. IOW it's not an error.
No matter what I do to the levels.txt, I still get the same error message "Error loading level list from data/levels.txt"
It does not make any sense. I am using the Openbor template.
I can still run the game without packing the data to the .pak file if I put the data folder in this location:
but then I can not pack the data to .pak

Regardless somehow the .pak is not working.
I've even tried this .pak on Android, same error message.
Please advise, thank you.
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