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Golden Axe Myth

Complete Golden Axe Myth v1.2

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Project is completed.


The Empire of the Joined Lands has been the real symbol of wealth and power
since a long time ago. But now, evil creeped into heart of the Empire, and the
Golden Axe was stolen. The council of Defensors was tricked and misguided.
The four best warriors of the whole realm are already on pursuit of the enemy.
The council gave them the power of Elemental Magick, since great are the
dangers they'll have to face. They know no fear or doubt. In their hearts and
minds there's only the sacred quest: to get back the Golden Axe.

It's a shame that the original topic with the 3 years diary/report of development has gone lost. You can still read something on my old site (Italian only)
This one is v.good.  Currently playing it on the Wii!  sound is a bit tinny on the Wii though!

using OpenBor v.3342
templar018080 said:
This one is v.good.  Currently playing it on the Wii!  sound is a bit tinny on the Wii though!

using OpenBor v.3342

Sorry for the (possibly) dumb question, how do you play it on the Wii again? I thought you needed a pak file... Sorry I really wanna play with my bro.
hey no worries, openBor v3711 seems to be the latest compiled version that can support playing .spk files.  You can get v3711 by going to the openbor engine forum here - http://www.chronocrash.com/forum/index.php?board=24.0 - and clicking on "code base" under the child boards.  You will then be taken to source forge - just click on the "Browse All Files" link where you can download previous versions of openbor.  Find v3711. 

Once downloaded copy the wii files to your wii sd card in the normal way and put the .spk file in the paks folder.  v3711 will recognise it.  GA Myth sound has a tinny ringing noise when played on the wii though.... i wonder why this is???
Onorable @baritonomarchetto, is possible to convert the spk file in the pak file?

thx :)
I am sorry but we decided to sekure pak GAMyth to avoid hack jobs. All the TEAM members spent lots of efforts in the project, which turned out to be very close to what we wanted it to be, and "enhanced" versions are not something we want to see, even if this means having some unfixed bugs, random crashes with some hardware or the impossibility to play it on some platforms.

Please, consider to play it on your PC's, which is the platform it was intended to work on  :)

Yeah i understand it and i would do the same with my original work, we just have to wait for SX so he could update new version with secure pak support.
baritonomarchetto said:
I am sorry but we decided to sekure pak GAMyth to avoid hack jobs. All the TEAM members spent lots of efforts in the project, which turned out to be very close to what we wanted it to be, and "enhanced" versions are not something we want to see, even if this means having some unfixed bugs, random crashes with some hardware or the impossibility to play it on some platforms.

Please, consider to play it on your PC's, which is the platform it was intended to work on  :)

Capisco quello che vuoi dire, ho giocato la tua mod su pc qualche anno fa e mi sono veramente divertito.

Però consentimelo, seguo questo forum da quando originariamente era Lavalit.com e non ho mai visto e letto nessuno hackare mod senza il consenso esplicito dell'autore. ...

Per fare un esempio posso citarti uno dei lavori di Mister Q. "Art Of Fighting - Beats of Rage: Remix III".

Anche quella é una mod per la quale si é speso molto tempo ma mai nessuno si é azzardato ad hackarlo....

E funziona benissimo sulla versione di OpenBOR che gira sul mio Galaxy S3....

Quello che chiedo, sempre umilmente, é poter giocare a quello che, personalmente considero un altro Capolavoro, anche sul mio Android e nella piena filosofia Open"BOR" :)


I understand what you mean, I played your mod on the PC a few years ago and I really enjoyed it. But i follow this forum since it was originally Lavalit.com and I've never seen and read any hack mod without the express permission of the author. ... For example I can cite one of the works of Mr. Q. "Art Of Fighting - Beats Of Rage: Remix III". Even that is a model for which has spent a lot of time, but no one has ever dared to an hack his mod .... It works fine on the version of OpenBOR running on my Galaxy S3 .... I ask, always humbly, is being able to play what I personally consider another masterpiece, even on my Android and Open full philosophy "BOR" :)
baritonomarchetto said:
I am sorry but we decided to sekure pak GAMyth to avoid hack jobs.

Openbor modders are sor rare, these days...
It's always a good thing to see how something have been coded.
In my own project World Arena, there is no week without the feeling of quitting the project because I don't find reply to my own questions. I progressed a lot with the help of some great persons here and by checking how to add some effect, some features by looking in the mods.

We don't see mods hack anymore, just check it. awesome projects have been released, people don't hack them.
2D games only concerns old gamers like us (I assume), lil' army of geeks prefer to hack/mod big games...
I'm not for hacking mods too, but cuting the possibility to learn and progress by locking a mod is shameful to me.
Also, I'll never finish playing your mod, because some settings are completly messed up with the PC I use for it.
This is a awesome game, but, there's a way to change the continues? I think 8 continues are too much. I will like to turn in down to 3 or so, yeah I can just use 3 or those 8, but theres to much tentation to press start.
normally it would be an easy thing to edit, but GA myth uses secure pak format, there is no way of editing it.
Xionix said:
This is a awesome game, but, there's a way to change the continues? I think 8 continues are too much. I will like to turn in down to 3 or so, yeah I can just use 3 or those 8, but theres to much tentation to press start.


We dediced to set the number of continues to be high enougth to let people play the game and reach the end since the very first try because the Art Oscar placed there must be enjoied for everyone and not only for "trained" players. Golden Axe Myth is not only a game (good or bad, it's not the main point: for sure i placed all my best in there) but also a Art Gallery  ;)

If the tentation to press continue is high, well, press it! ;D
I found 2 bugs:
  • On final stage when I fail a jump I respawn on a no floor spot busting all lives.
  • When I finish game it says classic death ader unlocked, but shudenly program terminates without save losing score and char.
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