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danno's sprite edit's


Staff member
Occasionally from time to time I like to re-imagine a game with no limit on the character palettes, as we all know the limitations old hardware used to have, Todays cast is Street Fighter 2

First off

BLANKA: Considering he was lost and then raised in the jungles of Brazil since he was a boy I wanted to give him a more faded washed out look and not very vibrate at all more so a human slowly turning into a beast, paler green skin, worn out ripped jeans and looking a little more animalistic and wild.

VEGA: (dictator)
I simply wanted to give him much more of a evil Nazi vibe.

M.BISON: (Boxer) Based on Mike Tyson I wanted his look to reflect that more

GUILE: Cleaned up the colour in his hair and mixed his old style with modern grey digital camo pants

CHUN LI: Replaced the blue with red and added yellow trills like a traditional Chinese dress

BALROG: (Claw) simple matador revamp

ZANGIEF: Didn't change much as his design is really great, just made his scars look healed over and gave him gold teeth

DHALSIM: Darker skin and changed his pant colour

E.HONDA: Gave his keshō-mawashi a retouch in the style of a Japanese flag

RYU: He wanders the earth looking for the next great fight, his Gi is his only possession, I wanted it to look worn, Sun faded and dirty, he is homeless after all.

SAGAT: Darker skin and Thai looking shorts.

KEN: In contrast to Ryu Ken has more money than sense and I wanted his Gi to represent that, the top half being made out of Velvet and the bottom half of his Gi is made out of Silk.


Wow I feel dumb... I was today years old when I got the point of Dictator's look (Nazi). I had always wondered the point of his design - Capcom tries so hard to make him threatening, but he's about as intimidating as wet tissue paper. That's OK on its own, a bad guy doesn't have to be 10 meters tall and look like a Xenomorph lovechild, but they do need something to make them memorable. Like Geese. He radiates style despite (or because of) having a very pedestrian look on the surface. To me Bison is just kind of there.

Now I get it. Big time derp on my part.

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