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Crisis Evil RE2

In Progress Crisis Evil RE2 202301

No permission to download
The project is currently under development.


New member
This account is temporarily muted.

Another update on my RE2 Mod, just go to my website and check it out. Link Removed

**Edit by @DCurrent: Link removed (inappropriate content / porn).**
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Playing as a zombie? 🧟‍♂️

Is there anything special by becoming a zombie? maybe vomitting stream of blood 🩸 ? (know what I mean? 😁)

BTW maybe you need to apply special palette for players so when similar zombie enemy appears, player won't be confused.
this looks really special, cause your 3D sprites almost look like real 3D and the pre-rendered 3D background

it actually looks like FF7/parasite eve back on PSX
I like the idea of this mod, it really gives the feel of playing in an actual ps1 generation console. But you need some better backgrounds for some stages.
Those backgrounds at around 8:30 and 12:20 just don’t look good.
Well, playing with a zombie is just one of the mod's extra games that needs to be unlocked. And the backgrounds of the scenarios I ripped from the original game and modified in Photoshop to be in 2D, it was the most I could do...
The original game is 3D but a lot of assets for the game is just using sprites and textures, you could get the original games textures and use those to create stages. (there are some tools to do this if someone hasn't dumped them already)

For the basic walls etc you could even load them into blender or similar and use basic cubes and rectangles to setup a 2.5D looking space, set the camera perspective right, then screenshot it. You wouldn't need much 3d skills just use the basic shapes and map the textures to them. For the extra details you can 'photoshop' them in later.

Some of the sprites are on spriters-resource.com including the pixel fonts and some hit effects.

There is also HD texture mods for the original game, you could just download those mods and use the updated stuff if it turns out that it's too hard to get the original textures.
Toxic behavior
What is it, man? Are you slutty? With what interest would I harm you? It's just a shortener with this link *ADFLY Link removed* Famous for putting advertisements in downloads... Do you think I look like a Hacker? If you want the link to download directly, just ask, instead of accusing others of bad intentions...

**Edit by @DCurrent : AdFly Link Removed.**
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Toxic behavior
Don't get funny with me dude i will get you banned quick fast. Bad intentions you say. So how come when i clicked to download i instantly got virus notices from my walmare software and my google chrome kept getting instant pop ups to porn sites? Im not blaming you if you didn't know but for me the link is showing as a virus and tryed to infect my pc.

I think its just that adfly site it sucks hahaha. Yeah send me direct link to your game and i will upload a playthrough of it on my channel :)
What is it, man? Are you slutty? With what interest would I harm you? It's just a shortener with this link *Adfly link removed*.... Famous for putting advertisements in downloads... Do you think I look like a Hacker? If you want the link to download directly, just ask, instead of accusing others of bad intentions...

Don't get funny with me dude i will get you banned quick fast. Bad intentions you say. So how come when i clicked to download i instantly got virus notices from my walmare software and my google chrome kept getting instant pop ups to porn sites?

This is absolutely unacceptable. I'm issuing a temporary 10 day mute to both parties for toxic behavior.


After checking the links, they are inappropriate and violate two of the forum guidelines. First, we don't allow AdFly at all (Spam / Advertising). Second, the links do indeed lead to questionable content (Prohibited Content / Porn). The links are removed, but I will give benefit of the doubt you didn't do it intentionally. Be more careful next time.

@xandegraf, I am merging your account with Alexandre_Xander. You have already engaged in a lot of questionable behavior here. Please do not create another alternate account or I will dismiss you from the forum. Your module is now uploaded to resources here and you are marked as the owner. I've also associated it with this discussion page.

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