O Ilusionista
Captain 80K
I was searching for this info since long time, so I got into the source code and here is the list of all openborvariants.
Really thanks to everyone who helped us, specially White Dragon
**”background", - is the BG used in a level
**"blockade", - Limit x scroll back
**"branchname", - Gets level branch name. Works ONLY if you touch the item to branch and gets reseted once you leave the stage.
**"cheats" - TRUE if cheats are activated, otherwise FALSE.
**"count_enemies", - counts how many enemies are active
**"count_entities", - counts how many entities are active
**"count_npcs", - counts how many npc are active
**"count_players", - counts how many enemies are active
**"current_branch", - Gets the current branch name.
**"current_level", - Level index of current set, start from 0.
**"current_palette", - gets current system palette
**"current_scene", - gets current scene
**"current_set", - Current difficulty set index, start from 0.
**"current_stage", - Stage index of current set, start from 1.
**"effectvol", - gets Sound fx volume
**"elapsed_time", - gets the elapsed time until the moment
**"ent_max", - get the maximum number of entities
**"freeram", - gets the ammount of free ram
**"game_paused", detects if the game is paused
**"game_speed", detects the game speed
**"gfx_x_offset", - Enable X offset adjustment by modders. X coords of the screen.
**"gfx_y_offset", - Enable Y offset adjustment by modders. Y coords of the screen.
**"gfx_y_offset_adj", - is the shift relative to gfx_y_offset.
**"hResolution", - Get screen width (Horizontal resolution)
**"in_cheat_options", - detects cheat options
**"in_control_options", - detects control options
**"in_gameoverscreen", - detects GAME OVER screen
**"in_halloffamescreen", detects HALL OF FAME screen
**"in_level", Whether you are in a level (e.g., select screen is not a level).
**"in_load_game", - detects LOAD GAME screen
**"in_menuscreen", - detects MENU screen
**"in_new_game", - detects NEW GAME screen
**"in_options", - detects OPTIONS screen
**"in_selectscreen", detects CHARACTER SELECT screen
**"in_showcomplete", detects COMPLETE SCREEN screen
**"in_sound_options", detects SOUND OPTIONS screen
**"in_start_game", detects GAME OVER screen
**"in_system_options", detects START GAME option
**"in_titlescreen", detects TITLE screen (the one with PRESS START)
**"in_enginecreditsscreen", detects if the engine's credits is displayed, but placed the variables for it in the shutdown command so that it can be called for even if the credits is not displayed.
**"in_video_options", detects VIDEO OPTIONS screen
**"lasthita", - Same of lasthity (deprecated)
**"lasthity", - Get Y axis of last hit
**"lasthitc", - Confirms the last hit
**"lasthitt", - is the last hit type (ex. ATK_NORMAL)
**"lasthitx", - Get X axis of last hit
**"lasthitz", - Get the Z value of last hit
**"levelheight", - Gets the level height (set on the LEVELS.txt)
**"levelpos", - Gets the curretn position on the level
**"levelwidth", - Gets the total level width (how long is the level)
**"lightx", - Gets the Light X value
**"lightz", - Gets the Light Z value
**"maxanimations", - gets the maximum number of animations
**"maxattacktypes", - gets the maximum number of attack types
**"maxentityvars", - gets maximum number of variables in each entity which is accessible by index
**"maxglobalvars",- gets maximum number of global variables which is accessible by name.
**"maxindexedvars", - gets maximum number of global variables which is accessible by index.
**"maxplayers", -gets how many players could play at same time
**"maxscriptvars", - gets maximum number of variables in each script which is accessible by index.
**"models_cached", - gets the ammount of cached models
**"models_loaded", - gets the ammount of loaded models
**"musicvol", - gets the music volume
**"nofadeout", - controls if the bgmusic can be faded out or not
**"nogameover", // don't show gameover (4396+)
**"nohof", // don't show hall of fame before gameover (4396+)
**"nojoin", - controls if the other players can join the game
**"nopause", - controls if you can or cannot pause the game
**"nosave", - controls if the game will be saved or not
**"noscreenshot", - controls of you can take snapshots or not inside the game
**"noshowcomplete" // don't show complete screen after NEXT (4396+)
**"numbasemaps", // number of basemaps in the current level (4396+)
**"numholes", // number of holes in the current level (4396+)
**”numlayers", // number of layers in the current level (4396+)
**"numpalettes", - gets the amount of palette from an entity
**"numwalls", // number of walls in the current level (4396+)
**"pakname", - gets the name of the game .pak
**"pause", - detects if the game is paused
**“pixelformat", - detects the pixel format (8 bit ,16bit, 32bit)
**"player", - detects if the entity is a player
**"player1", - detects the player 1
**"player2", - detects the player 2
**"player3", - detects the player 3
**"player4", - detects the player 4
**"player_max_z", - gets the maximum z position of the stage (how much "downward" on the stage an entity can go to).
**"player_min_z", - gets the minimum z position of the stage (how much "upward" on the stage an entity can go to).
**"porting" - gets the console version (4396+)
**"sample_play_id", - is the last sound ID played (useful to stop the last sound played for example)
**"scrollmaxx", - max scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in X axis
**"scrollmaxz", - max scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in Z axis
**"scrollminx", - min scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in X axis. Example "scrollmaxx-scrollminx = 0" if you level has the same length of the game resolution (the level doesn't scroll)
**"scrollminz", - min scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in Z axis.
**"self", - deprecated. Is a global pointer in the engine code that refers to entity currently being updated. It's used by several internal functions and is essential to the engine.
**"shadowalpha", - gfxshadow alpha mode
**"shadowcolor" - gfxshadow color index.
**"skiptoset", - Useful to change the active set (difficult).
**"slowmotion", - detects it the slowmotion is active. Useful to detect boss kill (if the slowmotion isn't disabled)
**"slowmotion_duration", - detects the duration of the slowmotion
**"smartbomber", - detects if the player's special is a "smart bomb" which damages all onscreen enemies, regardless of position.
**"soundvol", - controls the sound (samples) volume
**"textbox", - is the textbox entity
**"ticks", - is the MAIN time count like "elapsed_time" but is the elapsed time from engine run. Ticks is the time passed from engine run.
**"totalram", - gets the total RAM available
**"usedram", - gets the total used RAM
**"vResolution", Get screen height (Vertical resolution)
**"viewporth", - Height value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewportw", - Width value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewportx", - X value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewporty", - Y value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"vscreen", - allocated MAIN screen handler
**"waiting", - is a var that is 1 if player waiting in a stage (set by wait at in level#.txt)
**"xpos", - Level coords in x position, count from the left side of panels.
**"ypos", - Level coords in y position, count from the top of panels.
Really thanks to everyone who helped us, specially White Dragon

**”background", - is the BG used in a level
**"blockade", - Limit x scroll back
**"branchname", - Gets level branch name. Works ONLY if you touch the item to branch and gets reseted once you leave the stage.
**"cheats" - TRUE if cheats are activated, otherwise FALSE.
**"count_enemies", - counts how many enemies are active
**"count_entities", - counts how many entities are active
**"count_npcs", - counts how many npc are active
**"count_players", - counts how many enemies are active
**"current_branch", - Gets the current branch name.
**"current_level", - Level index of current set, start from 0.
**"current_palette", - gets current system palette
**"current_scene", - gets current scene
**"current_set", - Current difficulty set index, start from 0.
**"current_stage", - Stage index of current set, start from 1.
**"effectvol", - gets Sound fx volume
**"elapsed_time", - gets the elapsed time until the moment
**"ent_max", - get the maximum number of entities
**"freeram", - gets the ammount of free ram
**"game_paused", detects if the game is paused
**"game_speed", detects the game speed
**"gfx_x_offset", - Enable X offset adjustment by modders. X coords of the screen.
**"gfx_y_offset", - Enable Y offset adjustment by modders. Y coords of the screen.
**"gfx_y_offset_adj", - is the shift relative to gfx_y_offset.
**"hResolution", - Get screen width (Horizontal resolution)
**"in_cheat_options", - detects cheat options
**"in_control_options", - detects control options
**"in_gameoverscreen", - detects GAME OVER screen
**"in_halloffamescreen", detects HALL OF FAME screen
**"in_level", Whether you are in a level (e.g., select screen is not a level).
**"in_load_game", - detects LOAD GAME screen
**"in_menuscreen", - detects MENU screen
**"in_new_game", - detects NEW GAME screen
**"in_options", - detects OPTIONS screen
**"in_selectscreen", detects CHARACTER SELECT screen
**"in_showcomplete", detects COMPLETE SCREEN screen
**"in_sound_options", detects SOUND OPTIONS screen
**"in_start_game", detects GAME OVER screen
**"in_system_options", detects START GAME option
**"in_titlescreen", detects TITLE screen (the one with PRESS START)
**"in_enginecreditsscreen", detects if the engine's credits is displayed, but placed the variables for it in the shutdown command so that it can be called for even if the credits is not displayed.
**"in_video_options", detects VIDEO OPTIONS screen
**"lasthita", - Same of lasthity (deprecated)
**"lasthity", - Get Y axis of last hit
**"lasthitc", - Confirms the last hit
**"lasthitt", - is the last hit type (ex. ATK_NORMAL)
**"lasthitx", - Get X axis of last hit
**"lasthitz", - Get the Z value of last hit
**"levelheight", - Gets the level height (set on the LEVELS.txt)
**"levelpos", - Gets the curretn position on the level
**"levelwidth", - Gets the total level width (how long is the level)
**"lightx", - Gets the Light X value
**"lightz", - Gets the Light Z value
**"maxanimations", - gets the maximum number of animations
**"maxattacktypes", - gets the maximum number of attack types
**"maxentityvars", - gets maximum number of variables in each entity which is accessible by index
**"maxglobalvars",- gets maximum number of global variables which is accessible by name.
**"maxindexedvars", - gets maximum number of global variables which is accessible by index.
**"maxplayers", -gets how many players could play at same time
**"maxscriptvars", - gets maximum number of variables in each script which is accessible by index.
**"models_cached", - gets the ammount of cached models
**"models_loaded", - gets the ammount of loaded models
**"musicvol", - gets the music volume
**"nofadeout", - controls if the bgmusic can be faded out or not
**"nogameover", // don't show gameover (4396+)
**"nohof", // don't show hall of fame before gameover (4396+)
**"nojoin", - controls if the other players can join the game
**"nopause", - controls if you can or cannot pause the game
**"nosave", - controls if the game will be saved or not
**"noscreenshot", - controls of you can take snapshots or not inside the game
**"noshowcomplete" // don't show complete screen after NEXT (4396+)
**"numbasemaps", // number of basemaps in the current level (4396+)
**"numholes", // number of holes in the current level (4396+)
**”numlayers", // number of layers in the current level (4396+)
**"numpalettes", - gets the amount of palette from an entity
**"numwalls", // number of walls in the current level (4396+)
**"pakname", - gets the name of the game .pak
**"pause", - detects if the game is paused
**“pixelformat", - detects the pixel format (8 bit ,16bit, 32bit)
**"player", - detects if the entity is a player
**"player1", - detects the player 1
**"player2", - detects the player 2
**"player3", - detects the player 3
**"player4", - detects the player 4
**"player_max_z", - gets the maximum z position of the stage (how much "downward" on the stage an entity can go to).
**"player_min_z", - gets the minimum z position of the stage (how much "upward" on the stage an entity can go to).
**"porting" - gets the console version (4396+)
**"sample_play_id", - is the last sound ID played (useful to stop the last sound played for example)
**"scrollmaxx", - max scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in X axis
**"scrollmaxz", - max scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in Z axis
**"scrollminx", - min scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in X axis. Example "scrollmaxx-scrollminx = 0" if you level has the same length of the game resolution (the level doesn't scroll)
**"scrollminz", - min scroll size that a level can scroll when you walk in Z axis.
**"self", - deprecated. Is a global pointer in the engine code that refers to entity currently being updated. It's used by several internal functions and is essential to the engine.
**"shadowalpha", - gfxshadow alpha mode
**"shadowcolor" - gfxshadow color index.
**"skiptoset", - Useful to change the active set (difficult).
**"slowmotion", - detects it the slowmotion is active. Useful to detect boss kill (if the slowmotion isn't disabled)
**"slowmotion_duration", - detects the duration of the slowmotion
**"smartbomber", - detects if the player's special is a "smart bomb" which damages all onscreen enemies, regardless of position.
**"soundvol", - controls the sound (samples) volume
**"textbox", - is the textbox entity
**"ticks", - is the MAIN time count like "elapsed_time" but is the elapsed time from engine run. Ticks is the time passed from engine run.
**"totalram", - gets the total RAM available
**"usedram", - gets the total used RAM
**"vResolution", Get screen height (Vertical resolution)
**"viewporth", - Height value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewportw", - Width value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewportx", - X value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"viewporty", - Y value for scrolling backgrounds/foregrounds
**"vscreen", - allocated MAIN screen handler
**"waiting", - is a var that is 1 if player waiting in a stage (set by wait at in level#.txt)
**"xpos", - Level coords in x position, count from the left side of panels.
**"ypos", - Level coords in y position, count from the top of panels.