Hello my friends!

First of all I wanted to thank
@Piccolo for the extraordinary work he has done and continues to do, it`s really great.
Lately I've been using this tool more than ever and I've managed to optimize the operation of many of my Stages.

But lately I've had a question about a modification and if it's possible to make it.
My game has some very complex stages where there are traps. These traps are an entity that has many different animations and depending on the use I'm going to give it, it's what animation I use for the "spawn".
What happens to me is that when I want to see how the traps look in the location I've designated, the program always shows me the entity in IDLE animation, or if it doesn't have IDLE, it shows me the first animation of the entity.
My question is if the program can be modified, so that it shows in the level, the animation that is designated in the "spawn"?
For example, FREESPECIAL1 should be seen here:
spawn Bigspike
void main() {
performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_freespecial1"));
} @end_script
coords 1215 701
flip 1
at 0
But the tool always shows me FOLLOW1, which is the first animation this entity has, since it doesn't have IDLE.
name Bigspike
type trap
nolife 1
gfxshadow 1
offscreenkill 4000
candamage player enemy npc obstacle
subject_to_wall 0
palette data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike8.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike9.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike10.png
animationscript data/scripts/spitems.h
anim follow1
void self = getlocalvar("self");
if(frame == 0){
changeentityproperty(self, "aiflag", "idling", 1);
loop 1
delay 200
offset 20 160
hitfx data/sounds/cuth.wav
hitflash bloody
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike1.png
delay 6
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png
attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
sound data/sounds/droptrap.wav
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
attack13 12 5 20 155 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
delay 95
attack 0 0 0 0
platform 20 170 -13 -13 16 16 18 155
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
platform 0 0 0 0 0 0
delay 6
attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
attack 0 0 0 0
frame data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png