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Chronocrash Modders Tools

ChronoCrash Modders Tools 0.6.30

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I don't understand. I tried to remove a project and it's actually removed from the list.
I'm talking about a gap from a deleted project between the two project paths in the list. One part in the list is not automatically moving up after one project was deleted. Lemme show you what I mean. There was a feature that had one project in the list that moved upwards after the other project was deleted.

I'm talking about a gap from a deleted project between the two project paths in the list. One part in the list is not automatically moving up after one project was deleted. Lemme show you what I mean. There was a feature that had one project in the list that moved upwards after the other project was deleted.

Ok weird, and what happens when you restart the app ?
@Piccolo Hey man, I was testing the mouse scroll to change frames and discovered an issue. It seems that the collision boxes are wrongly memorized between all frames and I need to close/open the CMT again in order to go back to normal.

It does not happen if you change frames with mouse pointer or keyboard arrow, plus the app does not discard changes if the entity file is closed, you need to close/open CMT again.

Another thing I noticed is that if you use the scroll holding ALT key, CMT will always apply "zoom out" no matter if you scroll up or down.

Question: I am using "attack none" to remove the attackbox in V3 6391.
But the log tells me this is an error:

WARNING: data/chars/sisyphus/sisyphus.txt tries to load a non-numeric value at attack, where a number is expected!
erroneus string: none

@DCurrent Will this type of error affect anything?
Question: I am using "attack none" to remove the attackbox in V3 6391.
But the log tells me this is an error:

@DCurrent Will this type of error affect anything?

I only added none for attack and bbox in 4.0. The 3.0 version MAY allow none, but it's doing so with an internal fail-over, not a defined behavior.

@Piccolo question:
I like to keep hitflash and hitfx close to each other
But when I have a script on the first frame like this

if I go to another animation and return, the tool always separate them:

Is there a way to prevent this?
(or it was "attack", I can't remember).
I believe that it was related to the attack. I added the "attack" word in the ignore list and saw that it completely disabled all the graphical content of the attack boxes.
But for commands that do not have any utility through CMT or do not have any visual content, usually it's safe to ignore.
I just checked it and It is already on my ignore list
View attachment 8950

i've added "hitfx" to the ignore list, but same result.
I tested again and forgot to check that the character I tested before was using a scripted "@cmd hitfx". I repeated the test but with the native hitfx and the problem really occurred with only the hitflash in the ignore list, but in my case the issue is gone after adding hitfx to the ignore list.

I'm using version 6.24, I remember @Piccolo saying something about making CMT to move supplemental commands like hitfx/hitflash close to the "frame" declaration, this is why I added hitflash too.

@Piccolo question:
I like to keep hitflash and hitfx close to each other
View attachment 8944
But when I have a script on the first frame like this
View attachment 8946

if I go to another animation and return, the tool always separate them:
View attachment 8947

Is there a way to prevent this?
It happens because you have one of them (hitflash or hitfx) in the "ignore" list. By default they are not only close together, but also close to all the other attack properties (not the frame). Because at the end of the day those are attack properties.
Hello my friends! :)
First of all I wanted to thank @Piccolo for the extraordinary work he has done and continues to do, it`s really great. 💪

Lately I've been using this tool more than ever and I've managed to optimize the operation of many of my Stages. 😁
But lately I've had a question about a modification and if it's possible to make it. 🤓

My game has some very complex stages where there are traps. These traps are an entity that has many different animations and depending on the use I'm going to give it, it's what animation I use for the "spawn".

What happens to me is that when I want to see how the traps look in the location I've designated, the program always shows me the entity in IDLE animation, or if it doesn't have IDLE, it shows me the first animation of the entity. 😕

My question is if the program can be modified, so that it shows in the level, the animation that is designated in the "spawn"? :unsure:

For example, FREESPECIAL1 should be seen here: 👇

spawn Bigspike

void main() {
    performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_freespecial1"));
} @end_script
coords 1215 701
flip 1
at 0

But the tool always shows me FOLLOW1, which is the first animation this entity has, since it doesn't have IDLE. 😟

name        Bigspike
type        trap
nolife        1
gfxshadow    1
offscreenkill    4000
candamage    player enemy npc obstacle
subject_to_wall 0

palette      data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike8.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike9.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike10.png

animationscript data/scripts/spitems.h

anim follow1
    void self = getlocalvar("self");

    if(frame == 0){
      changeentityproperty(self, "aiflag", "idling", 1);
    loop    1
    delay    200
    offset    20 160
        hitfx   data/sounds/cuth.wav
        hitflash    bloody
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike1.png
        delay   6
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png
        attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
        attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
        sound   data/sounds/droptrap.wav
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
        attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
        attack13 12 5 20 155 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
    delay    95
        attack  0 0 0 0
    platform 20 170 -13 -13 16 16 18 155   
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
    platform 0 0 0 0 0 0
        delay   6
        attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
        attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
        attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
        attack  0 0 0 0
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png
  • Like
Reactions: NED
Hello my friends! :)
First of all I wanted to thank @Piccolo for the extraordinary work he has done and continues to do, it`s really great. 💪

Lately I've been using this tool more than ever and I've managed to optimize the operation of many of my Stages. 😁
But lately I've had a question about a modification and if it's possible to make it. 🤓

My game has some very complex stages where there are traps. These traps are an entity that has many different animations and depending on the use I'm going to give it, it's what animation I use for the "spawn".

What happens to me is that when I want to see how the traps look in the location I've designated, the program always shows me the entity in IDLE animation, or if it doesn't have IDLE, it shows me the first animation of the entity. 😕

My question is if the program can be modified, so that it shows in the level, the animation that is designated in the "spawn"? :unsure:

For example, FREESPECIAL1 should be seen here: 👇

spawn Bigspike

void main() {
    performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_freespecial1"));
} @end_script
coords 1215 701
flip 1
at 0

But the tool always shows me FOLLOW1, which is the first animation this entity has, since it doesn't have IDLE. 😟

name        Bigspike
type        trap
nolife        1
gfxshadow    1
offscreenkill    4000
candamage    player enemy npc obstacle
subject_to_wall 0

palette      data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike8.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike9.png
alternatepal data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike10.png

animationscript data/scripts/spitems.h

anim follow1
    void self = getlocalvar("self");

    if(frame == 0){
      changeentityproperty(self, "aiflag", "idling", 1);
    loop    1
    delay    200
    offset    20 160
        hitfx   data/sounds/cuth.wav
        hitflash    bloody
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike1.png
        delay   6
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png
        attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
        attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
        sound   data/sounds/droptrap.wav
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
        attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
        attack13 12 5 20 155 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
    delay    95
        attack  0 0 0 0
    platform 20 170 -13 -13 16 16 18 155 
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike6.png
    platform 0 0 0 0 0 0
        delay   6
        attack13 12 42 20 118 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike5.png
        attack13 12 89 20 71 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike4.png
        attack13 12 118 20 42 30 1 1
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike3.png
        attack  0 0 0 0
    frame    data/chars/misc/traps/BSpike2.png
Thanks, glad you find it useful ;)

Actually what you mention is already here. At least I remember I already coded such a feature. So I'll look in the code to see if it is and why it's not working for you. My guess is a more recent change somehow made this processing to be bypassed.

EDIT : The feature was indeed here, but for some reason I myself disabled script processing entirely in level editor. I might had a good reason for that, so in next release I re-enabled it but l also added an option to disable it just in case. Will upload it in the hour.
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