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Canceled Castlevania Revamped

Project is halted prior to completion and will not receive further updates.


New member
Hello, im back again on Castlevania NES remake.
Here is also my fan art of Simon.


love the screen shots and the fan art keep up the good work !

do you have a deviantart page ?
msmalik681 said:
love the screen shots and the fan art keep up the good work !

do you have a deviantart page ?

Yea, i just added the link. You have it on my profile.

Viper Snake said:
Looks cool, how much is done so far?

Well i just started with the game. Haved those sprites done before, i was busy with DDRebirth, so i couldnt work. Now im finished with almost all sprites on DD so i moved to Castlevania Revamped. Its gonna be a edit of NES version, with some new enemies, bosses, new sprites, more secrets, art. When im done with level 1 i will post some screenshots here.
Aah, so this is your new mod. I thought it's going to use NES colors but turns out it's not :)

Do you have plans to have more subweapons or just stick to original set?

Cool fanart BTW !  8)
the level platforms i think are going to be the biggest problem when making the levels...
ive made 2 levels of this type

by the time ive used 1 entity type none with up 20 anim follows each anim follow is a platform
then spawn them in the level at 0 with perform attack
spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW1"));
} @end_script
coords  120 3323 3180
at      0

spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW2"));
} @end_script
coords  690 3323 2455
at      0

spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW3"));
} @end_script
coords  810 3323 1960
at      0

its big headache with the spawn coordinates beacuse everything is invisible in the level editor
jonsilva said:
the level platforms i think are going to be the biggest problem when making the levels...
ive made 2 levels of this type

by the time ive used 1 entity type none with up 20 anim follows each anim follow is a platform
then spawn them in the level at 0 with perform attack
spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW1"));
} @end_script
coords  120 3323 3180
at      0

spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW2"));
} @end_script
coords  690 3323 2455
at      0

spawn  ventplats
@script void main() {
  performattack(getlocalvar("self"), openborconstant("ANI_FOLLOW3"));
} @end_script
coords  810 3323 1960
at      0

its big headache with the spawn coordinates beacuse everything is invisible in the level editor

Hold on, it's coming off a nice game!  8)
oh we already did some of lifebar, we need to fix the heart system.. i only cut it with hypercam on this video

here is one screenshot

Actually, the stairs are not implemented with scripts yet. I already looked through the basemap ground topic (and will check again) and I'm trying to figure out what to do with creating multiple staircases for him to walk upstairs. I already got an idea on using one method from Double Dragon mini for our DD mod for climbing, but I dunno if it'll work.
If its easier for you guys, why not make the stairs a slope  and just make it look like stairs ?
some developers do that, and your char just slides across with a climbing animation ofc.
I think the stair feature is not develop yet... for right now it only works on jump at the platform one by one...
Don't forget to set Simon Belmont "Shadow 0".
PeXXeR said:
If its easier for you guys, why not make the stairs a slope  and just make it look like stairs ?
some developers do that, and your char just slides across with a climbing animation ofc.

Tilaval said:
I think the stair feature is not develop yet... for right now it only works on jump at the platform one by one...

Exactly, man! That's what we're trying to do. I make platforms but I never make slopes before. Have you guys checked this one? :)


Don't forget to set Simon Belmont "Shadow 0".

I know, so no worries. :) I will fix it later.
If Zox was using basemap for both of the stairs, Simon would not be able to stand where he is in the screen shot.

[attachment deleted by admin]
I should've told you earlier that Zox doesn't script, so I'm the one doing it since I can script.

EDIT: I do think there's a possible way to make him pass by the staircase. It's by using platform instead of wall.

EDIT2: I have a feeling it might have a weird effect when it comes to it on where he is. Still need to figure out what to do with it.

EDIT3: I found out there's checkplatformbelow for detecting platforms in here. Seems it's probably similar to checkwall. Haven't tried it before.
Sorry for the late response. It's in progress. Still working on stage 1 with stairwalking and stuff.
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