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Complete BroomStickBot 1

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Well-known member

This is my entry to VimJam 3. The jam focus is Multi-use and the theme is Turn Up the Heat.

This is another short metroidvania I've made however unlike previous ones, this one uses binding system to design the hero. Its eye and weapon are seperate entities controlled by press of keys. I've made this system to allow better and more flexible control on hero's design and weaponry.

Enjoy this short game! :cool:
BB I uploaded a video.
There’s a part I couldn’t figure out. (A cave with a lock)
Also not sure if there’s a second health upgrade? I’m sure I was about to get it before I died, but as I respawned far away, couldn’t find the place again.

Also, there’s a glitch where when I fall a hole my character dies but respawned in the same screen (which works great for me because I don’t have to come back heh) check the video at around 10:52 , you can even see the eye and broom of the character remaining at the center-left side of the screen.

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there’s a glitch where when I fall a hole my character dies but resplendent in the same screen

You're right, hole setting in some levels are wrong but I realized that after the release :(.

Also not sure if there’s a second health upgrade? I’m sure I was about to get it before I died, but as I respawned far away, couldn’t find the place again.

There are 2 health upgrades and 3 shoot upgrades in this game. Two of them are locked behind door which only open with certain requirement (drawn on the door). One of them is placed behind locked barrier.
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