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.bor to .wav to .bor BATCH conversion

Zero Alvein

New member
So in short of it i made some .bat files which in conjunction with wav2bor will convert ALL files (by just launching proper .bat file) you place in a folder (.wav to .bor or .bor to .wav)
- Originally you needed to manually input each file name 2 times to convert it ONE BY ONE

All you need to do is place .bor or .wav files in "Files" folder located in main folder and then either go with BOR to WAV.bat or WAV to BOR.bat depeneding on what you need
Converted files will be placed next to original ones in "Files" folder

*** IF you get some error window just click "close program" it will just keep converting anyway so dont mind it ***
- happens to me only when converting .wav to .bor
- You will get error if you try to convert from one format to another when you have same name files of both formats in "Files" folder

If you just want to download it here is link to complete package

If you want to download wav2bor yourself as well as create .bat files yourself get wav2bor from here

Create a folder for example named "Converter"
In that folder create 2 folders one named "Files" other named "wav2bor"

to wav2bor folder goes 3 files u download from link above

Now batch files
IF you dont know how to create .bat file just google "download bat file" and download any since any will work

In folder "Converter" you place your 1st bat file which you name BOR to WAV.bat
Right click it choose edit and paste there this

cd "wav2bor"
call "1.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "2.bat"

cd "wav2bor"
call "3.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "1.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "4.bat"

cd "wav2bor"
del "0.bat"

Next you create file named WAV to BOR.bat
Right click it choose edit and paste there this

cd "wav2bor"
call "1.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "2b.bat"

cd "wav2bor"
call "3.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "1.bat"

cd ..
cd "wav2bor"
call "4.bat"

cd "wav2bor"
del "0.bat"

Next go inside wav2bor folder (where are bor2wav.exe DOS4GW.EXE wav2bor.exe files)

Here you will need 5 bat files

First named 1.bat
Which should have this inside

CD ..
CD "Files" 
DEL bor2wav.exe 
DEL wav2bor.exe

Next one named 2.bat

dir /b "%cd%\Files" > "%CD%\wav2bor\0.bat"
echo CD "Files">"CONVERTING.bat" 

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%a in ("%cd%\wav2bor\0.bat") do (
    echo bor2wav.exe %%a %%~na.wav>>"CONVERTING.bat" 

copy "%CD%\wav2bor\bor2wav.exe" "%cd%\Files"
copy "%CD%\wav2bor\DOS4GW.EXE" "%cd%\Files"
copy "%CD%\wav2bor\wav2bor.exe" "%cd%\Files"

Another one named 2b.bat

dir /b "%cd%\Files" > "%CD%\wav2bor\0.bat"
echo CD "Files">"CONVERTING.bat" 

@echo off
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%a in ("%cd%\wav2bor\0.bat") do (
    echo wav2bor.exe %%a %%~na.bor>>"CONVERTING.bat" 

copy "%CD%\wav2bor\bor2wav.exe" "%cd%\Files"
copy "%CD%\wav2bor\DOS4GW.EXE" "%cd%\Files"
copy "%CD%\wav2bor\wav2bor.exe" "%cd%\Files"

Next one named 3.bat

call "CONVERTING.bat"

And last one named 4.bat
Where you paste this

del "CONVERTING.bat"

And you are set have fun converting
Great idea I also thought of this as the command line application would take too long to convert multiple files.

msmalik681 said:
Great idea I also thought of this as the command line application would take too long to convert multiple files.


OW MY god
and i spent so much time making this since i couldnt find better converter

your is better anyway ;)
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