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Air combos

Ever since I played a bit of NickyP's FGC project, I've realized that making air combos is far easier than I thought. It's different from having jumpattack, then performing jumpattack2 and jumpattack3, rinse and repeat. The only script I use is Bloodbane's simple scripts. And I'll explain why below.

For the newbies, first go to MODELS.TXT, then add the line "maxfreespecials 50", then download the script, put it in the "scripts" folder of your mod (If you don't have it, create new folder, then rename it properly), and you declare it on your character txt file:

>Insert basic info for your character, just make sure it's a player type entity
animationscript data/scripts/script.c

And now, what do we need to make this thing work?
  • The players need to have the frames of every attack that's going to be used;
  • Enemies need to have bboxes set in their fall frames;
  • Jugglecost and jugglepoints are completely optional;
  • You can also set up a "launcher" attack a la Capcom Superhero fighters*.

The first thing to do is to go to any of the "jumpattack" animations, then declare a cancel with a freespecial of choice.
anim	jumpattack
cancel	0 99 1 a2 freespecial2

Then, for every attack of the combo string, the code is as follows:
anim      freespecial2
cancel	0 99 1 a2 freespecial3
>Insert BBox, hitflash and other data here
@cmd leaper 0.5 1 0
>Insert frame data here
>Insert attack data here
dropv 1.5 1 0

Or if you prefer the new syntax, replace "dropv 1.5 1 0" with
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.x  1
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.y  1.5
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.z  0

The script call @cmd leaper must be set during the very first frame of the attack animations (In other words, before declaring the animation frames, slap a @cmd leaper and then the values you want), and the dropv values must be either the same or else close to the leaper command you just called, this is to keep the player aligned with the target entity during the string. The reason for why I prefer to use Bloodbane's scripts over the dropframe/jumpframe functions is because they give me better control of the player's jumping arcs.

Setting a Launcher attack is rather easy, and this one needs to be declared in the header with
com <Insert input here> freespecial#
Just make sure the dropv/attack velocity for the height/y values is something that you can reach with a jumping attack (For example, if the jumpheight value declared on a character's header is 3, you must make the height/y drop value be either of 3 or something close to it, as usual).

Here's a little video of what I did in action.

*The only official games that have air combos are the ones with Marvel and Tatsunoko characters; SVC Chaos, CVS 1&2 and Tekken x Street Fighter don't. Hence why I'm refering to these games as "Superhero fighters" rather than simply "crossovers".
Ever since I played a bit of NickyP's FGC project, I've realized that making air combos is far easier than I thought. It's different from having jumpattack, then performing jumpattack2 and jumpattack3, rinse and repeat. The only script I use is Bloodbane's simple scripts. And I'll explain why below.

For the newbies, first go to MODELS.TXT, then add the line "maxfreespecials 50", then download the script, put it in the "scripts" folder of your mod (If you don't have it, create new folder, then rename it properly), and you declare it on your character txt file:

>Insert basic info for your character, just make sure it's a player type entity
animationscript data/scripts/script.c

And now, what do we need to make this thing work?
  • The players need to have the frames of every attack that's going to be used;
  • Enemies need to have bboxes set in their fall frames;
  • Jugglecost and jugglepoints are completely optional;
  • You can also set up a "launcher" attack a la Capcom Superhero fighters*.

The first thing to do is to go to any of the "jumpattack" animations, then declare a cancel with a freespecial of choice.
anim    jumpattack
cancel    0 99 1 a2 freespecial2

Then, for every attack of the combo string, the code is as follows:
anim      freespecial2
cancel    0 99 1 a2 freespecial3
>Insert BBox, hitflash and other data here
@cmd leaper 0.5 1 0
>Insert frame data here
>Insert attack data here
dropv 1.5 1 0

Or if you prefer the new syntax, replace "dropv 1.5 1 0" with
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.x  1
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.y  1.5
attack.reaction.fall.velocity.z  0

The script call @cmd leaper must be set during the very first frame of the attack animations (In other words, before declaring the animation frames, slap a @cmd leaper and then the values you want), and the dropv values must be either the same or else close to the leaper command you just called, this is to keep the player aligned with the target entity during the string. The reason for why I prefer to use Bloodbane's scripts over the dropframe/jumpframe functions is because they give me better control of the player's jumping arcs.

Setting a Launcher attack is rather easy, and this one needs to be declared in the header with
com <Insert input here> freespecial#
Just make sure the dropv/attack velocity for the height/y values is something that you can reach with a jumping attack (For example, if the jumpheight value declared on a character's header is 3, you must make the height/y drop value be either of 3 or something close to it, as usual).

Here's a little video of what I did in action.

*The only official games that have air combos are the ones with Marvel and Tatsunoko characters; SVC Chaos, CVS 1&2 and Tekken x Street Fighter don't. Hence why I'm refering to these games as "Superhero fighters" rather than simply "crossovers".
Thank you very much for posting. I clicked on the Bloodbane's simple scripts link, but it did not take me to the link directly. It took me to the Chrono Forum page instead.
Also, I did not see the video link you mentioned, can you please repost the video link? Thank you
Thank you very much for posting. I clicked on the Bloodbane's simple scripts link, but it did not take me to the link directly. It took me to the Chrono Forum page instead.
Also, I did not see the video link you mentioned, can you please repost the video link? Thank you

Oh, about the link, there you go:

And here's the video:

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