An excellent classic by Maggas that defines what the engine is known for, this game lets you take several of the World Heroes for a spin through a series of levels laden with the traps the Deathmatch mode is known for. You can control characters from a core cast of five plus several additional characters, including Kisarah from Aggressors of Dark Kombat. In addition, several other World Heroes characters who aren't selectable put in roles as the game's bosses, such as Ryofu and Jack. That is to say, Erik, Rasputin, and Geegus don't appear even as minor enemies. Speaking of minor enemies, they don't display health bars, but have moderate amounts of health regardless, and they are derived from games like Fighter's History. It's a bit disappointing there's not many period-specific enemies in the game, but the variety one does get is nice.
Moves are performed using directional inputs, and interestingly punch and kick are separate. Players can also block and perform several jumping attacks, as well as run and perform a defensive special. Music is also taken from the World Heroes series, and I can say the movelists have been translated well. It's a moderately challenging experience, but you'll get the hang of it, especially with the training mode.