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Ultimate Double Dragon

Ultimate Double Dragon 3.0 (Final)

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You better prepare yourself for a Double Dragon experience like no other. This game has more moves than an earthworm on Ex-Lax, and it's every bit as slick. However you want to fight, you'll find it here using the unique switch system. Each character comes equipped with a set of fighting styles you can swap on the fly to create your own customized combinations and technique.

You want martial arts movie action? Fire this up and you'll think you're staring in a late 60's Hong Kong flick. Combos? Pull off some triple digit madness that would make the MVC series go cry for mommy. Prefer wrestling instead? Got that too, and the commentary to go with it! Then throw in tons of secret fighters, weapons galore, environmental techniques, and a few finishers too.

Choose your path and try not to tear up at the endless game and pop culture references, all set to a lovingly crafted soundtrack that will keep you reaching for the quarters.

First release
Last update


4.80 star(s) 15 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Final Version

    - Added 4 different challenge modes - Rebalancing some moves and characters
  2. First Full Version

    Ver 1.1 Fixed Issues: If Arranged OST is selected, there’s no stage music in the elevator and...
  3. Ultimate Double Dragon

    This demo includes the latest extra cameo characters, Spawn and Shaq, and this time the demo has...

Latest reviews

This remake is the Beez Neez
This game has been great so far, to the point where even the origional Double Dragon creator pitched in to help, though it's a bit too complex to be used on Android. It can be done, but it's more practical with a more physical controller. And take my advice, because this probably has the most expansive double dragon move set there is; Billy and Jimmy, the two characters I reccomend starting with, have stances to allow them to play like ALL their iterations. Double Dragon I/III, Double Dragon II, and Super Double Dragon.

I feel as though the way the combos are situated are correspondent with various fighting games, as the Q has admitted to being a massive fan, and I also play a bit of fightcade myself. In any case, I played a lot of the Double Dragons, and they are the easiest in terms of making combos (there's a version without all the style switching as well), with each stance having it's own focus in terms of how you start juggles.

Chin and Ranzou are the hardest due to their tag team mechanic and not being able to easily regain POW. Then there's Shaq and Spawn, who play way better than one might believe, and are combo focused Jeff & Sonny, are like the Double Dragons, but with more unorthodox spins on their moveset (as if this system was ever done before). There's also apparently secret characters, probably the battle toads, though I didn't unlock them yet. The enemies themselves are rather competent and variety is thrown at you immediately, and you will find that performing combos isn't really practical unless they are all grouped up or you plan on aborting it with the other moves. All in all, I'd say it's game Double Dragon and Beat Em Up fans should try out.

My current gripe, aside from it being weird on current OpenBOR, is that for some reason, we get Gen-Satsu-Ken, but it's regulated to Jeff, who fights nothing like the previous users. As a matter of fact, I'm kind of disappointed that we don't get Raymond/The Mysterious Warrior to play with. Illusions and ki blasts would have been pretty fun to use in combat.
Hands down the best openbor retro beat-em up. Great moves, characters, sounds, plays and feels like an 90s arcade.
At the beginning of mission 5 there is a drum that when kicked a black cat appears: it follows me around the stage and I have no idea what to do with it; would this easter egg be?
Playing between both demo versions 0.9 and 0.8 (love the 16-bit remix provided in this one), and it is always a blast to play.
Tricky and platformer'ish level layout in mission 7B (available in ver0.9) which I realy like, as it complements the already good experiance. Can't wait for 7C in the final product.

Getting good in this game and getting used to the enemy placement and exploiting their weakness, feels so goooood and rewarding (except 2x green Abobo's, still a f*cking pain x) ).

If there is one thing I would like to see implemented, it is a skip button for the intro sequences. These are cool and interesting for the first few times, but later feels like a big flow stop.

Overall, easy 5 stars.
very good,when next update?
Incredible game. This is what I've wanted from a beat-em-up all these years. I played so many beat-em-ups wishing there was more to it than just mashing the same 5-hit combo string to beat every enemy, and wishing for a defensive mechanic of some kind. UDD sets a standard that all beat-em-up games should strive to meet. I love all the fighting game references, especially the Killer Instinct stuff. Chefs kiss. Respect to @Mr.Q!
Yeah this seems really cool. im glad i got to experience the amazing skill set your stuff has. amazing compliation of skills.
Very solid game demo.
I'm not so fan of the actual roster (for now), but it's very polished with tons of moves and references (even if some of them can sound a bit out of place). Some of the best project with the engine.

Gameplay : 5 stars
Everything else ; 3.5 stars

Good it can be downloaded in the creator's website, because all my attempts to DL it here failed.
It will be the biggest game in the history of OpenBor!!!!!!!!!!!
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