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Streets of Fighting

Streets of Fighting 1.0

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This is my first attempt at making a BOR .pak

This version is mostly finished although there may be some small updates in the future. It is perfectly playable from start to finish, though.

Hope you all enjoy!

Streets of Fighting - Final Edition - 0005.pngStreets of Fighting - Final Edition - 0003.pngStreets of Fighting - Final Edition - 0008.png
First release
Last update


2.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. SOF Final Edition lives up to it's name...

    So after stepping away from the game for awhile and going back and replaying it, I've decided...

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Feels like a very early BOR mod, which is both a good and bad thing to me. Also, the player characters move a bit too fast for my tastes. Decent for a beginner's mod at least.
Great game
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