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BroomStickBot 1

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This is my entry to VimJam 3. The jam focus is Multi-use and the theme is Turn Up the Heat.

Story: You are tasked to turn up the heat of the underground base. There are vile pests around so get upgrades to help you killing them. Don't forget to sweep the weeds also! After the heat has reached maximum level, return to where you started.


NumPad keys = move BroomBot and aim shots/attacks.
Z = Jump.
X = Attack (can aim and strike in 8 directions).
C = Interact.
A = Sweep
S = Shoot (can aim and shoot in 8 directions).
Enter = Pause or confirm.
F8 = Take a screenshot.


- Continuous thrusting by holding attack button.
- Continuous shooting by holding shoot button.
- Sweep weeds and spikes.
- 8 directional shooting and thrusting.
- Health and power upgrades.
- Secrets.

Shot 1.png

Shot 5.png

Shot 3.png

Shot 2.png

Shot 4.png
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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Short game but pretty addictive. Bosses aren’t hard except the last one (jumping boss). But it’s pretty fun going around and picking upgrades, and figuring out what to do next.
Would love to have more songs during the play through thou.
I am usually not a fan of those games, and I was sure I would delete it after 1 minute. Your game my friend kept me going for more than 10minutes, and now I want to add it to my handheld and play more. Nice one, thank you!!
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