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Resources by osman_color

Moonblade - Lullaby of Discord osman_color
Futuristic Ninja adventure in search of the truth
Recca Soldiers - Advance Wars osman_color
Colorful and challenging run and gun fangame.
Cowboys Unison osman_color
Guide a pair of colorful chibi quick draw sharpshooters in a frenetic old west run and gun.
Symphonia Battalion osman_color
Symphonia Battalion 2024-07-21
GBA style real time strategy.
El Chapulín Colorado osman_color
Fan game of the eponymous Mexican comedy.
Gunslingers Unison - Tunes in the Sunset osman_color
A Run and gun/Beat´em up video game.
Batman: Savage Dawn osman_color
Batman and Catwomon clean up the streets with a 3rd gen super deformed styled look.
Armored Stronghold (Game Boy Color Edition) osman_color
Medieval fantasy, Gameboy Color style!
Arcaders - The Beat´em up osman_color
Mighty Final Fight style brawl with new faces and a latin flavor.
Guardians of the Requiem osman_color
Hectic hack and slash with chibi designs.
Warslayers - Land of Sinners osman_color
Homebrew mixup of various games with a unique twist.
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