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Resources by DCurrent

Understanding what resolution is, and how it affects your game.
DC D20 DCurrent
DC D20 3.1
Randomized number generator for OpenBOR Script.
DC Instance DCurrent
OOP in OpenBOR? No problem. Required instance control for most other DC script packages.
Extract Photoshop Animation To Frames DCurrent
Quickly export photoshop animation frames to sprites for use in projects.
OpenBOR DCurrent
  • Featured
OpenBOR 7556
OpenBOR engine executable.
Bitshift Encoding DCurrent
Encode two or more values into a single integer.
Weapon Drop Overview DCurrent
Glance under the hood for tips for handling weapon swap and drop with script.
Optimizing Scripts DCurrent
Guide to help write more efficient and better working scripts.
Entity Enumeration DCurrent
Taking actions on mutiple entities at once.
Debugging Collision and Range DCurrent
Use OpenBOR's built in debug functions to see range and collision boxes live on screen.
Single Button Dodge DCurrent
Learn to add a single button dodge and apply the principal to other commands.
Animated Background Layers DCurrent
Learn how to insert background animations without using models.
Anaglyph Demo DCurrent
Exhibition Anaglyph Demo 1.5
Using subscreens to create a stereoscopic 3D effect.
Rolling Percentage Meter Demo DCurrent
Demonstrates a rolling percentage life meter.
Continue Bug Patch DCurrent
Fix continue bug in latest offical OpenBOR.exe and adds variable countdown time.
Tint Effect Tech Demo DCurrent
Exhibition Tint Effect Tech Demo c40d731
Demonstrates using tints for special effects.
Mario Style Jump Height DCurrent
Enable precison jump height control with length of key press.
Respawn Body DCurrent
Respawn (i.e. recover) in location of previous defeat instead of falling from the sky.
King of Dragons Minotaur DCurrent
Color separated Minotaur boss from arcade King of Dragons.
Sprite Pack - Miscellaneous Special Effects DCurrent
Collection of particle and special effect sprites for projects.
Easy to use bulk file renaming tool.
Neo Edit Pack DCurrent
  • Featured
Neo Edit Pack 2021-09-12
Basic editor kit for OpenBOR.
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