Let's begin with just two elements.
The first is its opening cinematic: Ryo running through the Antarctic, pursued by a polar bear with Robert and Yuri following in Robert's Ferrari. Think on a few of those things, starting with the bear... I'll wait.
Then there's Yuri, who's upward kick (Chargeattack or grab + up) causes her breasts to jiggle for two full seconds. Don't worry, that's just one example, and of course they did the same thing to her backside too. Then there's the cinimatics. Most are Photoshoped to make Yuri's head the smallest round object on her body.
That in a nutshell is Trouble In Southtown, a bloated mess weighing in at nearly one gigabyte that throws everything it can at you and hopes something will stick.
I'm giving two stars for effort alone. It is clear the creators put in a lot of work, and obviously care about what they were doing. According to the various write ups and readmes they certainly THINK it's something special.